Chapter 27: The Final Showdown: Onikawa vs. Akitoki!

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Chapter 27: Final  Showdown: Onikawa vs. Akitoki!

I stood there twitching with fear as I watched this hulking man pin my Banjo to a wall. Banjo was struggling to loosen the man’s arm from under his chin.

“Ungh, Dixie! Run…he’s too strong!” I could only twitch and stare. “Akitoki…” I kept repeating the name as I blocked out Banjo’s pleading. “Akitoki…” I felt my trance controlled arms pull my sword from its sheath. 

“Doragon!” (Lit. Dragon *singular form*) I began to speed towards Akitoki with all my might and shoved the swords’ blade up to the hilt into his chest. Banjo stared at me as an electrifying glow of green Chaos energy emitted from me through the sword into Akitoki’s chest. To my surprise, his wound began to close up around my sword and go beyond his chest and began to cover my blade. I gasped in disgust as Banjo grabbed me and yanked me back pulling the sword out of his chest with the sound of tearing flesh. Soon I saw my reflection in my sword blade and my eyes were a blazing green/blue-green. The color of my eyes faded revealing my real eye colors as Banjo held me tightly between his legs and arms.

“What the hell did you think you were rushing into?”, he whispered urgently  as I looked up at him . His cheeks bore a hard blush as the tears of what seemed like pained flash backs fell from his furry cheeks onto my frozen face.

“Don’t you ever take another risk that  will take you the hell away from me!”

The words echoed through my mind as I hugged him and kissed his lips passionately. When I pulled away I looked into his green eyes and said, “I would never do that to you. You mean the world to me.” He hugged me close making me feel at ease then a hovering voice made me snap back to reality.

“Those two disgust me. Would you two get a room before I witness the birth of another mutt to kill?” Hana said as she put a small arm around Akitoki’s waist as he stood motionless staring at us. My face crumpled as I grabbed my sword and swung it at her making her jump back  as I got to my feet. I shielded Banjo as he got up. "Dixie-chan... Ikouze." He looked at me with a grin that told me something was about to happen."Ban-JO!" I screamed as he grabbed my hand and began running circles around Akitoki and Hana. To my surprise my legs were keeping up with his speed. I looked down and my legs were green blurs. The Chaos energy! It was helping my speed!

I smiled a most deviant smile and  caught on to Banjo’s plan. I came rushing out of the cloud of dust with my fist drawn back  ready to clock Hana upside the head. My fist rammed forward and punched Hana in the mouth making her  stumble back  and hold her bleeding mouth. I saw Banjo fighting Akitoki blast for blast, punch for punch. With that I turned just in time to see Hana  throwing a driving punch at me which I stopped with my open palm. It stung from the skin to skin smack.

She kicked me in the leg and I drew my sword once more holding it to her neck. She backed up from the tip of my sword and ducked for my legs but I jumped up and kicked her in the face. Her arms flailed helplessly as she tried to regain her balance. I readied my sword again and swung it at her. She stepped back and shot a blast at me that hit my shield and deflected causing me to stagger back some.

“Give up! You have no choice but to be my slave!”, Hana shouted, sounding overly confident.

‘In your dreams’, I thought. “No it is you who should give up! You're too spineless to hold down this fort!”, I said with a somewhat evil smile. I dropped my shield to my feet and used it as a board sliding towards Hana, whipping my sword at her at breakneck speed. She backed up again, held dangerously by the point of my sword at her neck! I wanted to slice her so bad but she kept avoiding my straight jab for her face! I began to get impatient and I jumped up keeping my footing and smacked her across the face with my shield; again she held her mouth. Why  wasn’t she providing me any competition so I could kick her ass? I had to find out why!

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