Chapter V: The Brotherhood vs. The Legion: The Rise of Chaos Luigi

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The Brotherhood vs. The Legion: The Rise of Chaos Luigi

~Okay, this is an all chapter long song, so play it NOW!~

I looked around at the huge group surrounding the entrance to Haven and cursed my luck. By my off-hand estimation, it looked like Moritori brought at least 5,000 Legionaires with him. I wondered to myself how we were gonna get out of this mess when Cece stepped in front of me.

"Now THIS is what I call a party!", she exclaimed. "Now there's 4 of us and 5,000 of them, we each get 1,250 each! Let's go kick some Legion butt!"

"Goodness Cece, you always get me in trouble", Jazz said. "I guess life wouldn't be as interesting if you didn't."

"Luigi, as much as I don't like admitting it, we can't fight here. Haven would be in danger from a fight like this", Noctis whispered in my ear. I nodded and motioned towards Moritori.

"Hey, metal butt! If you wanna take me out, you gotta follow me!", I said. I broke out running and vanished. I reappeared with the others in an abandoned field and just like I expected, The Legion took the bait.

The 4 of us split up to take on our group of Legionaires. I took on Moritori and the force he used, but I noticed something....strange. Moritori wasn't fighting me, he was sitting back giving orders. I pumped all of my opponents full of Thunder Arrows and destroyed them with Deep Impact punches, but Moritori did not move. What's going on here? Why doesn't this feel right....? I raced towards Moritori with my fist ready to meet his face, but right when the two were about to meet, he unleashed a huge blast that engulfed the entire area in a black orb.....


Just like Luigi to get blasted to hell, I thought to myself. He is supposed to be the strongest Guardian is existence, yet, he can't even hold off a routine Legion attack! What a pompous weakling! I impaled a Legionaire with my beloved Blade of Tenebrae, then I proceeded to cut my way though a wave of the weaklings. I unleashed a powerful energy attack of darkness, eliminating any remaining stragglers. While I was finishing up on the remaining Legionaires, a cloaked figure confronted me.

"Who are you? Reveal yourself now!", I demanded, gripping my sword tighter in my hand.

"The name is Kroger, remember it well, Noctis...", he replied, taking off his cloak. His cybernetics were striking; he had a cybernetic eye and arm that glistens in the light.

"Kroger... I thought you were killed years ago", I said with a frown upon my face.

"Oh no little Noctis, for you see, I have been improving my cybernetics for a meeting with an opponent like you. Now come boy, meet your end by my hand."

"You are sadly mistaken Kroger, for I will send you to whatever demon you believe in."

We exchanged blows at a furious speed; I could sense that Kroger hadn't kept up with his combat skills. Just as I thought, you stupid technoslave! Not keeping up with you battle skills will cost you dearly against me... I swung Tenebrae at him, purposely giving him the false hope that I'm tiring out. He predictably dodged the attack, but was in for a surprise when I vanished behind him and impaled him with Tenebrae.

"Like I thought, fool. You only cared for improving your cybernetics and not your fighting skills. What weak trash you are. I'm done with you now..." I prepared to finish him off with one more swing of my blade, when bombs detonated all over my body. I descended to the earth below covered in smoke.

"I was one step ahead of you little genius!", Kroger gloated. "You see, when I removed my cloak, tiny nanites covered your body. When you were about to kill me, I activated them to sef-destruct. Now I'm the one in control!"

"Damn you Kroger... I underestimated you a little", I said, slowly rising to my feet.

"Oh? The fun isn't over yet!", Kroger exclaimed, snapping his fingers. More nanites exploded on my body, causing me to fall to one knee. My vision was blurry as I cursed Kroger's name. When I looked up, Kroger was aiming to impale me with his arm, which transformed into a sword...


Whee!, I exclaimed. I was having too much fun freezing my hap-hazard foes in solid ice. I blew subzero breath on the silly Legionaires that dared face me. It had been a long time since me and Jazz had fun like this!

"Cece, it looks like you are enjoying this way too much", Jazz said, electrocuting some Legionaires.

"Yeah! You mean you aren't having fun fighting these guys?", I asked him

"No not really. It's far more work than it's worth; I'd rather be back in Honsho pulling pranks with the guys."

"But that's boring! I much rather prefer this kind of action!" I created an ice spear and ran some Legionaires through, while Jazz touched the ground and lightning bolts shot up from the ground, hitting all enemies in sight. Aw, they're dying way too fast for my taste! We whittled the numbers down, then a strange man appeared before us; he had cybernetic dreadlocks in his hair, a cybernetic eye, and both of his arms were cybernetic.

"The name is Luger, nice to meet you...", he cooly said to us.

"HI!! I'm Cece and this is my twin brother Jazz! Can we kill you now?", I asked innocently.

"Oh god Cece, I swear, one day you are gonna get us both killed...", Jazz said, putting his hand on his face.

"Kill me? You are a pretentious child, aren't you? Well then, I will show you a quick exit from this world." He charged at us and we both vanished, appearing behind him. I stabbed him with my ice spear in the back while Jazz followed up with an electric attack.

"Damn you kids! I'll have your heads!", Luger screamed.

"Nah nah nah nah! You can't beat us even if you transformed into a dragon!", I taunted him.

"Cece! Get back, Luger is trying something!", Jazz warned me. Luger's arms began moving erratically as they combine to create a giant cannon. He pointed it towards us and charged it.

"Oh no... Why me?", we said at the same time as we were blasted by the cannon....


I can't die yet... I have too much to fight for.... I haven't found a nice girlfriend yet..... I have to beat Blue.... I have to be better than Father.... I have to get back at Noctis.... It was black all around me, and I couldn't see a thing. I wondered where I was so I looked around trying to find my way through. I remember now... Moritori looked like he had holes in his body and I was gonna take him out, but he hit me with this giant black blast.... How do I get out of here??? I walked around in the darkness for what seemed like forever.... I'm getting sick of this!

"Poor Luigi, you are the saddest Guardian ever born! You will die in my Infinite Darkness Technique!", Moritori gloated.

"I don't think so! When I find a way out of here, you are going to die Moritori!", I screamed out to him. I channeled my Chaos Energy like I usually do, but I felt something snap inside me. I felt an intense pain coarse through my body, a pain I never felt before. My body exploded, destroying the Infinite Darkness. The area was covered in a greenish-golden light and the air was filled with screams of terror...

***Luigi's team is in deep trouble! The Legion has gained the upper hand, but something is happening to Luigi? What does this means for Luigi's team? Find out in the next action-packed chapter! Vote and speculate please!***

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