Chapter 30: Endgame 1- Insanity's Revival

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Black clouds began covering the sky as Akitoki's forehead began to glow ominously with the power of the Chaos Force. All we could do is look on helplessly as Akitoki covered the entire continent of Isshin in the black clouds.

"So Akihito didn't die in the fire and collapse of the underground structure... Looks like I get my own chance to 'talk' to him", Mom said as her power began to skyrocket.

"Kanu Shiryu... you're here too I see", Akitoki said as he began assuming his demonic form of having one black wing and claws. "Well, that means I have more victims! Now is the time where the Akitoki will control everything again! This will go down as the shortest reign of the Onikawa for the rest of history!"

"Never think that you will beat us so easily Akitoki! You still have to deal with me and Dixie along with Lady Kanu and we are sworn to stop you! I will never let you control the world as long as I am alive!", Banjo said with a fiery passion in his eyes.

"You killed my adoptive parents, murdered my grandmother in cold blood, killed off most of my people in both the Onikawa and Shiryu Clans, tried to have us killed multiple times, and you believe that we are just gonna sit down and let you take over everything?!? Over my dead body!", I exclaimed, anger carved all over my face.

"Well now little Dixie, that can be arranged. Hope you prayed tonight for this will be the last night you ever see!"

Akitoki screamed a blood-curdling scream as raw Chaos Energy began to flow out of his body. As his power increased, it felt like the dimensions themselves were breaking and bending around us; suddenly, we were separated by these weird black bubbles. My ability to see was impaired by the sheer darkness of this bubble and I prayed nothing bad was going to happen. When I was let out of the bubble, I looked around my surroundings; I was in a strange green room where it seemed like everything was twisted and upside down. I walked around the room, trying to get my bearings about me; I saw a weird note lying on the floor, so I bent down and began to read it:

"Dixie Shiryu.... My sworn enemy for life. She is the reason I hold nothing but hate in my heart. She killed my older brother Sakamoto in an "accident" and now I will carry out his mission; to slaughter her. She thinks she is the strongest in the world but she is nothing more than a whore posing as a hero. Sakamoto, if you are watching over me, watch as my heart is completely devoured by Susanno, just as you wanted! I will make you proud brother!"

This is Hana's handwriting, I said to myself. This must have come from a diary or something. Before I could piece everything together, however, I felt a sharp object heading my way! I was able to move, but I was cut on my arm and it was bleeding heavily. I put my hand on the cut and tried to seal the wound with Chaos Energy, but my attention was broken when I saw who was holding the blade.

"Dixie Shiryu, remember me? I am the man you killed when you were just 6 years old...", a strange man said as he walked towards me.

"Who are you? How do you know me? And I didn't kill anyone when  I was 6! I couldn't have!", I said, denying his claim up and down.

"You were too young to remember and it was an accidental release of your powers, but you pierced my chest with your raw power and it killed me instantly. I am the man mentioned in that note, Sakamoto Akitoki."

"So you tried to kill me while I was young huh? Why? Who told you to try and kill me huh?"

"Akihito Akitoki has the one who told me to do it, but my god Susanno gave me the reason for doing it, for that if I didn't, you would someday in the future slaughter the entire Akitoki Clan. i couldn't have that happening so I took Lord Akitoki up on his offer and took the mission. What we didn't know is that bitch Lady Kanu left a failsafe inside you that would make your remaining powers activate if your life was in danger. You pierced my chest and heart, instantly killing me, but I was able to relay all the info I needed to my sister, Hana."

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