Chapter XX-B: Miles vs. Amatatsu: Awakening of the Avenger

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Miles vs. Amatatsu: Awakening of the Avenger

Amatatsu stomped his feet in an attempt to smash me into oblivion, but luckily I have good enough speed to avoid his crushing feet. I was able to fly in between his legs and I formulated a plan of action. I decided to try and attack his legs, but his consistent stomping killed that plan. I tried my hardest to figure out a plan, but Amatatsu wouldn't give me a minute to think.

"Man, I wish he would just let up for a quick minute then I can figure this out!", I said aloud to myself.

I avoided the stomping feet and made a bold decision; I ran from underneath Amatatsu and jumped to meet his face. I used my psychic powers to enter his mind and see what makes him tick; as I floated around inside his head, I saw it all.... How he became an undead; Akitoki found his brother and ripped out his heart and animated his body using a piece of the Chaos Force of Power. Akitoki has Amatatsu's heart with him! I marveled at what I discovered, but I pushed forward for his weakness in this form! I searched more and more and I found it! Wait, I feel a strong jolt... I was ejected out of his mind and was slammed to the ground by on of his paws

"What's wrong Miles, can't fill your brother's shoes?", Amatatsu roared in a monstrous voice. "It's understandable that you have your doubts; Blue is one of a kind! You can't match him even if you tried!"

"That's the thing Amatatsu, I'm not trying to be like my brother; I'm trying to be BETTER than him and Dixie! I will beat you!", I exclaimed. I began to let the pale yellow aura cover me as my Prophet Powers began kicking in. My physical power rose as I pushed his paw off of me and shot him in the leg; I made sure to charge up an energy shot and launched it into his eye to blind him.

"Gah!!! Damn you Miles! I swear, I'm gonna kill you when I get my hands on you, you stupid cat!", Amatatsu screamed in agony as I flew away.

"Okay, I only get one shot at this and I have to make it count!", I said. "There is no room for errors, so I hope all those years of watching uncle and Banjo pay off now..."

I held my arms out wide to charge my Chaos power; the power began to surge through my body, to my arms, and then to the palms of my hands. Sparks began to fly from my fingertips as I was ready to unleash my final move. I looked at Amatatsu, watching his every move closely; I can't afford to miss with this, my most powerful and destructive move!

"It's time to end this senseless bloodshed and fighting! Meet one of my strongest moves,-", was all I could say before he blasted me with some sort of powerful mouth beam. I was blasted away before I could finish my attack and I landed near a crowd of frightened people. I looked into their eyes and I recognized that look of fear and terror.... I had to keep trying!

I couldn't give up! I rose to my feet and jumped up onto one of the nearby buildings to get a better vantage point; Amatatsu spotted me and swiped at the building, causing it to split in two. I jumped off the building, but Amatatsu caught me in the ribs with a swipe of his clawed paws and I hit the ground hard, writhing in pain. I looked at the people again and thought about what Banjo would do.... No, I can't think about my brother! I have to do this on my own! I turned to face Amatatsu and his paw was rushing towards me, ready to crush me, when an energy blast flew outta nowhere and burned Amatatsu harshly.

"What just happened? Who did that?", I asked, turning to the people. "Was that you brother...."

"Hey, you big ugly monster! Stop trying to hurt my family and friends!", a voice yelled out from the crowd. "I'll help you Master Miles! It'll be an honor to fight by your side Master Miles!" A boy jumped out of the crowd; he had spiky red hair, hazel eyes, and a brash attitude to boot. He was dressed in slightly tattered clothes and he had a bandana on his head.

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