Chapter 29: The Legacy of Dixie Revealed

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"Dixie, there was another reason I came here, not just to save the two of you......", Mom began to speak again.

"What do you mean Mom? What else do you have to do...?", I questioned.

"Dixie, it is time I finally told you the truth about everything, everything that I have been hiding from you so far..."

"Everything that you have been hiding from me so far? What haven't you been telling me Mom? Please.... let me know everything about myself that I haven't already known....", I said, my voice trailing off as I pleaded with her.

"Lady Kanu, no disrespect but, what else have you been hiding from your daughter about herself? There has been a lot of things that you conveniently haven't told her and it is wrong in my opinion", Banjo said, a hint of anger in his voice. 

"I understand how the two of you must feel, but I wasn't sure about telling you this earlier my daughter, but now, I know it is the right thing to do", Mom said, closing her eyes as she spoke. Banjo took my hand into his and held me tightly as we both braced for what my mom had to tell me.

"Dixie, did you know that we users of Chaos Powers have extended lifespans, lifespans that far outrun the lifespans of those who are blind to the power?", Mom began explaining.

"We do? I didn't know that...", I said, feeling a bit stupid.

"Yeah, Uncle told me before that anyone who opens their eyes to the Chaos Force ages at a slower rate than normal people", Banjo said.

"That is correct. When you awaken to the Chaos Force, your aging slows down to once once every two years. I am 42 to everyone who knows me, but to normal people, I am 84 years old", Mom explained. My eyes nearly bugged out when my mom told me that.

"So if I got this right, I am 14 years old, but to those who aren't awaken, I have been alive for 28 years?"

"Yes, that is correct. Another thing I must tell you is that your destiny is intertwined with all 3 clans, not just the Onikawa and Shiryu."

"So... I am expected to save the Akitoki Clan too?!? Oh hell no! I refuse to help them! They killed so many innocent people! Morally, I cannot help them!"

"Yes, I know exactly how you feel Dixie; they are a tribe of devils and demons that should be locked away in the Twilight Realm with the Legion, but Amaterasu foresaw it and it must be followed."

I turned away in disgust at the notion of helping the Akitoki Clan, my sworn enemy, for the Goddess Amaterasu. I wouldn't help them if it was the only way to achieve world peace!

"Dixie, you are a girl that has a tragic history..... well, your name at least..." 

"What do you mean Mom? What does my name have to do with anything? I thought I was the only one in the world with this name...?"

"Dixie, your name has a legacy, a legend behind it, and it isn't a good one at that...."

My mind went blank as Mom spoke of this; what kind of legacy does my name have, and what does it have to do with me? Banjo and I waited for my mom to explain it all.

"The name of Dixie has appeared countless times throughout the history of the Onikawa and Shiryu Clans, all either regular people or heroes of the Chaos Force like you are. They all were strong-willed people who wanted to make their people happy, but were all killed in action because they were overzealous.... Some were brutally killed, others were captured and raped... When I gave birth to you and named you Dixie, I was afraid that you would suffer the same fate, but I now know that due to your mixed blood, you will be able to rewrite the legacy of Dixie!"

"I am the forebear of the legacy of Dixie... I will rewrite the history of my name! I will not die, I refu- Wait, did you say mixed blood? What does that mean???"

Mom stayed silent for a good three minutes as she looked at the floor. Suddenly, we heard a loud sigh escape her body and she finally began to talk again.

"Dixie, my child... you are the only person of your kind in the world. You are a mixed person, combining the bloodlines of the Onikawa and Shiryu Clans."

"So THAT's why Dixie can use Onikawa Techniques and inherited the power of Lord Hojo's second phase! She has Onikawa blood in her!"

"Correct and because of her mixed heritage, she has a bit of an immunity to the curse of the Dixie legacy. I committed a taboo by having a child by an Onikawan man; that is the real reason I had to give you up or else, not only would you have been killed, but me as well. I had to protect us both. Dixie... be proud that you have the blood of the royal Onikawa and the prideful Shiryu. Thank goodness your Shiryu blood is stronger....", Mom said, but was cut off by the sounds of the earth shaking around us; suddenly, a black, murderous figure rose from the earth. Somehow, Akitoki did not die in the collapse and fire of the underground chamber! 

"You think you bastards beat me, the GOD of this world that easily?!? NEVER!!! The streets will run red with your blood before you kill me!", he roared, which make the area shake with his every word. A black light emanated from his hand and then everything went dark....

***My god, Dixie has learned a lot about herself, but Akitoki is still alive and ready to kill everyone and everything! What will our heroes do to stop him? Find out in the next chapter, the start of the Endgame Saga!***

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