Chapter VIII: The Great Deception: Evil's True Face

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The Great Deception: Evil's True Face

~Okay, play it now!~

What the hell is wrong with Luigi?!? I dodged his attacks with all my might, but I know Luigi has changed.... Everything about him was stronger, faster, more intense than ever. I tried punching him in the face, but he put up some kind of shield made of pure Chaos energy. I jumped back and assessed the situation at hand. I can't fight him head on with my physical attacks, so I'll just use my Chaos attacks! I charged at him with a Chaos Sphere at hand and he used the Ultimate Impact Blast. When we collided attacks, enough energy was let off that the night sky inverted colors.

"What's with the accusations that I abandoned our clan huh?", I screamed at Luigi.

"I know you can't control the power of The Terror of Death. I know you needed help from the Akitoki to master it!", Luigi rebutted to me.

"What? Are you insane Luigi?!? Don't you remember, my spirit fused with the Terror of Death when we beat Akitoki!"

"That's a very convenient lie you created there brother. It's a shame I must kill you for betrayal... Good bye brother."

Luigi threw super fast punches at me that heated the air around us; Luigi wasn't joking when he said he was gonna kill me.

"Luigi, you gotta stop this! Banjo didn't betray anyone!", Miles screamed out in my defense.

"Stay out of this Miles! This doesn't concern you in the least! This is between the elder brothers", Luigi said angrily. We continued to fight at a high velocity, exchanging powerful blows throughout the sky. We were moving so fast, no one could hardly keep up with our movements.

"Luigi is so damn gullible its disgusting", Noctis said, closing his eyes.

"Wow! I wanna join Master Luigi in the fighting! Can I kill his brother?", Cece said, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Cece, it's best that we don't interfere in this sibling rivalry", Jazz said, calming her down.

"What? What do you mean sibling rivalry? Doesn't Banjo and Luigi like each other?"

"Banjo and Luigi have a rivalry bubbling under the surface. They have always been trying to be stronger, better than the other one. When Banjo defeated Akitoki, Master Luigi felt threatened, so he tripled his training, almost killing him in the process. I believe now that he is Chaos Luigi, he feels like Banjo can never catch him."

I caught Luigi off-guard and hit him in the face with a Chaos Sphere, then I kicked him to the ground; before his body hit the earth, I ground a Chaos Sphere into his back. I tossed his body onto the ground and pleaded with him to stop this fight, but he continued swinging at me. I jumped a few feet back to avoid his attacks and I tried getting through to him again.

"Luigi, listen to me! I am your older brother! I wouldn't betray my clan for anything. Yeah, they may hate me, they may call me names and look down their noses at me, but I would never abandon my people, my family, for any kind of power ever in my life."

"What a wonderful sounding lie brother. I know that the power of the Terror of Death haunted you, manipulated you, contorted you to do what it wanted you to do. I know that it forced you to go to the Akitoki Clan for help! Admit it Blue! Admit it to us all!"

"Tsk, don't call me Blue ever again!"

We charged at each other at full speed, and when we collided, I saw some sort of crystal fly off of Luigi's neck.

"Wait, my crystal! Luigi still had my crystal!", Noctis screamed at the top of his lungs. He tried to grab if off the ground, but a girl beat him to the punch.

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