Chapter VII: The Great Deception: Kanu vs. Amatatsu

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The Great Deception: Kanu vs. Amatatsu  

~chapter long song. play it now!~  


Ryuubi has left to Fubukiopolis with Dixie; good, now I can fight with no fear in my heart. I looked at Amatatsu in his dark red eyes and stared into his soul... Amatatsu only cared about the kill, nothing more. If he wants my life, he is going to have to work hard for it.

"So you are Kanu Shiryu, Master and Lord of the Shiryu Clan. I never thought I would get to meet you up close and personal this soon", Amatatsu said to me in a evil tone. "I will thoroughly enjoy picking you apart Lord Shiryu!" He charged towards me, but all I did was close my eyes.

"I'm sorry, but even you won't be able to beat a Lord. You shouldn't have agreed to this fight for it will be you end", I said, opening my eyes and rushing past him with my sacred staff brandished. As I turned back, his body was covered in the crimson liquid that feeds us life.

~Noctis~ ~In the Gouki Region~

I never thought in a hundred years I would be back in the Gouki Region again in my life. We were looking through Megaopolis for any sort of clues to confirm the suspicions of The Brotherhood. I have a weird feeling though.... To my knowledge, the Akitoki have no Lord, but they seem very organized and led by someone.... Maybe I'm thinking too much into it. We looked around and asked the people if they had any kind of information regarding Akihito, but they looked at us funny and said he was dead. We walked through the city until we were confronted by a mysterious little girl.

"If I'm correct, you are Luigi, Guardian of the Chaos Force, am I correct?", she asked, pointing at Luigi.

"Yes I am, but how do you know about me if I never met you before?", he replied.

"Everyone here knows who you are Guardian. You came and killed General Jugo 19 months ago. No one here is very welcoming of you. And you are Lord Noctis, former head of the assassination unit of our clan, correct?", she said, now pointing at me.

"Yes I am, who would like to know?", I spoke.

"You betrayed us and ran to The Brotherhood! I thought you hated Luigi after he beat you and stole your crystal!"

"I'm.... over that now. We have put our differences aside and are committed to finishing this mission without any problems."

"Hey little girl! You should leave us grown-up alone before you get hurt!", Cece blurted out. Jazz almost immediately covered her mouth and told her to be quiet.

"Guardian, if you want answers, find your brother Banjo. Word is that he has switched sides and joined the Akitoki"

"What? I don't believe that! Banjo's heart is pure! He would never betray our clan for darkness!"

"His phase power ordered him to do it if he was to gain control of it. Now he is a slave to the power and he is going to kill you."

"Master Luigi, tell us you aren't believing this?!?", Cece and Jazz said together, doing that annoying twin thing.

"I was with him at the end of the Revolution not too long ago when we invaded this place and his powers took control of him. I believe it."

"Master Luigi! You can't be ser-"

"Quiet you two! I have made the decision, we are going to go find Banjo. Let's go."

I had a bad feeling about this.... I feel like we are being played for fools. If this is true, I will find this girl and mercilessly kill her....


I sidestep Amatatsu's every attack; he might strike fear in the hearts of others, but he is a novice to me. I hit him in the gash I made in his chest and kicked him to the ground. I threw a energy blast at him, but he was barely able to avoid it.

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