Chapter 26: The Shiryu Assault

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Chapter 26: The Shiryu Assault

"Thank you Choun...for saving me. If you were a couple seconds later, I probably would be dead right now", I said in gratitude. "Yes, request granted Choun, let's take this bitch out, but make sure to get the information I need!"

With a nod Choun rushed forward with her sword but disappeared before reaching her. I followed her lead at the gleam of her eye. We were both in the air ready to shoot down full force but Lien looked up at once. Before she made a move I swooped down and I began to shoot out of the air spinning  fast ,my sword ready to drill her skull. Faster and faster I spun as two dragon shaped auras surrounded my body, mouths open and ready to viciously kill. My lips curled back in a vicious battle cry as my veins were being pumped full of the blood of a merciless killer. My final technique was shouted to the heavens above;

"Ryū himitsu no tekunikku: Doragon otome heirusutōmu! (lit.Shiryu secret technique: Dragon Maidens Hailstorm!)"

The two dragons combined right before I blasted full force with all my rage. My sword landed with a sickening thunk in her left arm pinning her to the ground and making her bleed uncontrollably. She was deeply impaled in a giant crater. I tore my sword from her with rough force, and was about to cut her down when suddenly she came out of nowhere and wrapped her arm around my neck making me gag and she tried to slam me into the ground in a headlock.

Choun grabbed her by her hair and swung her back hard making her hit the ground. She didn't give her chance to get up before she attacked her with a barrage of sharp kicks and stabs with her sword. She even sliced off a good chunk of Lien's hair. I laughed at that and grabbed the fallen decapitated hair and rushed lien making her look both ways. I stuffed the hair in her mouth and began to slap her and punch her and kick her in the head.

"You think you can shed my blood and kill my family? You think you can fuck with my life and my people?!?! Well feel my wrath you filthy bitch! Feel it!" I became more rapid and elite! lighter on my feet as I began to wear her out. Her lips dripping blood, cursing me slowly as her eyes began to distantly roll to the back of her head due to the trauma I inflicted. She came too and blasted me  hard with a giant blast that was no longer purple but a weak lavender.

"You hateful bitch I shall ruin you with my every last breath..." Lien threatened already weak in the head from my deadly skull bashing kicks.

"Try me!" I yelled back watching her flimsy posture slither across the floor towards me.

She tried to ram me once more  but she missed and hit the floor in a sluggish movement. I watched her for a moment to see if she would move but she only let out painfully slow breaths. I moved slowly towards her, watching her movements even closer, when suddenly, she lunged at me! I was defenseless, but luckily, Choun was able to block her attack.

"Still not done yet, are we Lien? Just tell us the information we require so we may stop this battle, or face further violence towards you", Choun warned her.

"I would...much things the hard least I know....I am making things difficult for you both. I won't tell you anything....and I dare kill me....", Lien struggled to say. 

"Fine then... if that is your choice, then I have no choice but to show you why I am the reason Lady Kanu cannot show her left eye often....", Choun said cryptically. She drew her blade and cut her hand on the sword's sharper edges; she didn't flinch or wince as her blood covered the blade, turning it red.

"This is my ultimate technique... Shiryu Kinmotsu no Jutsu: Rein Gaishukketsu Nakami! (lit. Shiryu Forbidden Technique: Rain of the Bleeding Blades)"

Choun took her blade in hand and began to swing it in wide archs, causing wild red energy to flow from the sword. Lien tried to move, but it looked like moving her body was a struggle within itself. She put up her arms to block it, but then Choun stopped swinging her sword. Choun then slammed the blade into the ground, shattering it; she then brought her hands together and the pieces flew into the air, covered in the red energy. She lifted her arms and let them fall to her sides and the blades began raining down onto Lien's body; she did everything she could to try and reduce the damage, but nothing worked, her body was hit by every small shard as they rained down from above. The red energy rained down on Lien as it appeared to be raining blood, but Lien was screaming in pain, begging for it to stop. The blades came back together into one sword again in Choun's hand as I walked up to Lien; I took my sword back into my right hand and was about to finish her to get my revenge for Banjo when she finally screamed in submission.

"Fine, I'll tell you, just don't kill me! Hana Akitoki... she is hiding in Mabase...  That is where you will find all of your answers! Please spare me my life! I can go to jail, at least I know I will still be alive!", Lien cried.

"Mabase... that is in the Isshin Region, right before you leave the country! Why is she hiding in Onikawa Territory?!? Something doesn't add up, but I have to go check it out! Choun, do you got everything here?", I said, trying to make sense of the intel I just got.

"Don't worry Lady Dixie, I will take care of everything here. For now, you just go and take care of Hana. Everyone of the Shiryu Clan is rooting for you; bring her down for all of us!" Choun said as she snapped handcuffs onto Lien's wrists. I pulled out of my pocket a small pill; I popped it into my mouth and my power was fully restored. I flew off and headed for Mabase.

~an hour later in Mabase~

I arrived here in Mabase and immediately began looking for any clues of Hana's location here. I looked everywhere in the small border town but could find no evidence of her location here. I kept looking and looking but nothing! No one had even heard of her! Needless to say, I was getting very angry... when I felt a hand grab my shoulder; I instinctively grabbed that hand, flipped whoever it was over, got on top of them, and was about to impale them when I saw it was Banjo. Wait, Banjo?!?! 

"I thought you were dead Banjo! Lien showed me that you were fighting and then you were murdered!!! I was so angry and sad.... but I am incredibly relieved that you are alive! i love you so much!!!", I said as I kissed him all over his furry face, making him blush. 

"Don't worry Dixie, I'm alive, but why are you here in Mabase? I thought you were heading back to the Honsho Region with Choun?", he asked me.

"No.... after I found out the info I was looking for, I came straight here to find Hana."

"So Hana IS hiding out here in Mabase! But where could she be hiding at exactly...?"

"I don't know but we have to find her before she does anything bad to anymore innocents!"

We continued to look around until Banjo kicked a rock, opening up an underground passage to our amazement. We walked down the steps of the passageway and followed it the whole way; we arrived in a dark room that was quite plain in appearance, but then, the lights cut on. They were bright and in our eyes, so we struggled to see who turned them on. When we recovered our sight, we looked around to see who was responsible for the lights, when Hana appeared before me laughing!

"I finally found you! Now I am gonna finish things with you once and for all!", I said, staring a hole into her.

"I don't think so Dixie; I think this time, you are running into a fight you have no chance of winning!", Hana retorted in a snobby tone. 

"You might as well stop with the fake bravado Hana. We have beaten you before and we will do it again. You aren't as tough as you think you are, so give up now..", Banjo said as he walked up to Hana. Suddenly, someone grabbed him and slammed him into a nearby wall. When the dust cleared and I saw who it was, I froze in fear; Akitoki is alive?!?

~Luigi, in the afterlife~

All of these Guardians... they all came for me and with their own unique story... And I was supposed to be the best of them? i suddenly didn't feel right accepting that title, but I guess there is nothing I could do anymore since I am dead... I sat there, thinking long and hard about my family and friends... what could they be doing in my absence? I hope someone is guarding the door to the Chaos Realm... I just sat in thought, silent and oblivious to the other Guardians and Athair, who kept calling my name to no response from me. Suddenly, I heard a huge commotion for the other Guardians, causing me to look up and I saw these angle like being standing in front of me.

"They are the heralds of Aurora! What are they doing here! Have they finally come for Steppenwolf? Or Mathias?", Athair said.

"No, they are not here for either of us; they have come for Luigi. It is his time to fuse with the Chaos Force. Once that happens, he will become fuel for another life", Steppenwolf explained. I was floored; why was I the only one summoned to Aurora? This seems...strange. I shrugged my shoulders and went with the heralds; they took me by the arms and flew off, leaving the other Guardians to watch me leave. When I arrived, I saw the most beautiful woman ever; she was literally perfect.

"Where am I? This place looks far different than any place I have seen here in the afterlife... Is this...?", I said before the woman cut me off.

"Yes, this is the chambers of the Goddess of Chaos, Aurora and I am her, the God of Gods, Aurora."

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