Chapter VI: The Brotherhood vs. The Legion: The Unstoppable Chaos Entity

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The Brotherhood vs. The Legion: The Unstoppable Chaos Entity

Moritori screamed in horrific pain as I ripped off Moritori's arm with my bare hands. My body had turned green, I was covered in a greenish-golden aura, and I was stronger than I ever was before.

"Luigi.... You don't have to do this....!", Moritori yelled in pain.

"You beg for mercy now, but earlier you were declaring me as scum and a weakling", I said, my voice a bit deeper now.

"I....I'm sorry! The Brotherhood are the masters of this world! The Legion are the lesser side in this conflict!"

"Hmm, you may be right there...." Moritori shot me in the face with an energy blast, but it didn't faze me at all.

"Was that a feather you hit me with, or an actual attack?", I asked him. "I'm done playing with you, it's time for me to eliminate you from this conflict." I threw him into the air and blasted him with a shot of pure Chaos energy, seemingly destroying him. I vanished and appeared before Noctis, putting an angry scowl on his face.

"Luigi... you finally did something right by not dying eh?", Noctis said to me.

"No, I'm just here to save your butt again Noc", I responded. I floated up to Kroger and stood him down face to face.

"Ha! Do you think you can stop me little Guardian?!?! You are foolhardly to think you can stop me!", Kroger ranted. I just stood there with my arms folded, staring at him bored.

"Don't look at me like that! I'm gonna wipe that look right off your ugly face!"

"This is sad Kroger. You were one of The Legion's strongest higher-ups until you became obsessed over increasing the power of your own cybernetics. I will enjoy taking you down..." I flew into the air with Kroger in hot pursuit. We exchanged heavy blows, punching each other in the face multiple times; unknown to him, I was holding back big time. I let him believe that he had the advantage by getting him get in ten free shots to my face and knock me down to the ground.

"You see Luigi, The Legion is never to be underestimated by you lowly Brother-" I punched him in the stomach and blasted him through with an energy blast of pure Chaos energy.

"What happened to you Luigi? You were nowhere near this strong a few minute ago!", Noctis said in astonishment.

"I can't explain it myself, it's like, my body evolved to a higher power and I feel invincible now. I feel like... Chaos Luigi", I said, enjoying my new-found powers.

I flew away to go help the twins, whom I felt energies began to fade.

"Do you see now why taunting foes is a fatal mistake Cece?", Jazz said, doing everything in his power to avoid Luger's attacks,

"I know Jazz, but it's way more fun if I piss them off! Then they just flail around in anger!", Cece replied, dancing around Luger's attacks with the grace of a ballerina. I appeared before the twins and warped the space around us to cancel out Luger's attack.

"Master Luigi! Thank you for saving us! But you seem...different", Jazz said, astonished by my new appearance.

"Aww Master Luigi, you ruined my fun! I was gonna take him out with my cool moves!", Cece frowned, noticably upset with my interference.

"I'm sorry you two, but we need to end this and get going on the mission", I said to them sternly.

"Luigi the Guardian, how do you believe you will be able to stop me? I am all-powerful!", Luger gloated.

~Okay, play the music now!~

"Sorry Luger, but you were never that great in the ranks of The Legion. You won't be missed that much. Goodbye." I vanished and appeared before Luger and grabbed his face. I filled his body with Chaos energy until he exploded from it. Jazz and Cece looked astonished at what I did. Noctis joined up with us and we flew off towards the mainland.

~Dixie~ ~11:30 P.M, that night~

I'm bleeding heavily.... My eyesight is blurry and fading fast... I can't stay conscious anymore... I crawled up to a fence to try and bring myself to my feet. I could barely make out the figure of Amatatsu. I was on my way to Honsho to meet up with Mom when Amatatsu ambushed me from out of nowhere. He's been battering and beating me down for the past 15 minutes and I don't think I can last much longer. I need help... Banjo and the others can't help me, they are back in Isshin. It looks like it's the end for me....

No, I won't let him kill me here! I charged at him with Amaterasu's Blade and swung at him, but he avoided me by jumping over my head. I chased after him swinging my sword like a madman, but he dodged my every attack with ease. I began tiring out and fell to my knees then he kicked in my face. I fell on my back and couldn't get up; my body was telling me it's through.

"Well Dixie, it's time for you to die and become a sacrifice to revive the Akitoki Clan. Your Chaos Force of Courage is mine!", Amatatsu exclaimed.

"I'm sorry everyone.... This is it for me...", I said, closing my eyes. I heard air rushing downward, but it suddenly stop. I opened my eyes and saw Mom and Aunt Ryuubi!

"Dixie, I refuse to let you die. I lost you once before, I won't lose you again!", Mom said, holding off Amatatsu's katana. "I'm taking over for Dixie now. You must now face a Lord, and I am no pushover!"

She broke the blade of Amatatsu's katana with just the tip of her index finger. She threw off her Lord's Kimono and exclaimed to everyone, "This is the end of your life Amatatsu. You should not have accepted this fight, for it will be your last....."

***Oh snap! Dixie is soundly defeated by Amatatsu and at death's door, but Kanu and Ryuubi saves her in time! Now it's Kanu vs. Amatatsu! Who will win this titanic clash of superpowers? Vote and speculate away!***

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