Chapter XI: Secrets of the Shiryu Arts

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Secrets of the Shiryu Arts

Chouhi clapped her hands and a giant electrical dragon appeared , wrapping itself around her body as it began to engulf the room. Chouhi looked at me with her trademark smirk as I looked on in amazement; how am I supposed to counter that!?!

"Dixie, are you ready to give up to me yet?", Chouhi laughed. "This is one of my strongest techniques; you have no hope of beating me now!"

"Oh believe me, I think I already found out a way to defeat that move!", I bluffed. I really have no plan to beat that! The dragon lunged at me and I did everything I could just to dodge its attack. I knew I couldn't just dodge the whole time; I have to find some way to counterattack! I ran around the room avoiding the dragon's every attack, the whole time slowly moving closer to Chouhi. When I was close enough to attack her, that damn dragon intercepted me and pinned me against the wall, filling my body with painful electricity. I screamed as my body twitched and shook from the shock of all this electricity filling up my body.

The dragon released it grip on me and I fell to my knees from exhaustion.

"Hahaha! Dixie, are you ready to give up yet! This isn't really fun anymore because I have basically taken complete control of this fight", Chouhi said, almost mockingly.

"You should never count me out Aunt Chouhi; you forget, I am the Chosen One picked by Amaterasu", I said as I got back to my feet. In my mind, something clicked; ever since she activated the move, she hasn't moved an inch. I thought about it for a bit and formulated a plan. I ran up the wall and predictably, the dragon tried attacking me. I jumped off the wall and landed in front of Chouhi. I punched her five times in her face, jumped on her back, and tossed her to the ground, causing her dragon to disappear.

"I watched your attack very closely and I noticed that while you use the technique, you can't move", I said standing over her with a smile on my face. "You must remain stationary while using the Raikiri Break. It is an effective technique, but if your opponent notices that you aren't moving, you'll be at a disadvantage."

"Dixie... she figured out the weakness of the attack. She has signs of the eyes....", I read my mom's thoughts, but thought nothing of it.

"And I thought I had you fooled Dixie.... You have a sharp eye don't you?", Chouhi said. "But I'll still beat you niece because I'm stronger than you still!" She started swinging at me with swift punches, but they lacked power and were easy to dodge. I kicked her in her stomach and hit her with a Chaos Sphere. She fell onto the ground writhing in pain, while Mom and Aunt Ryuubi were surprised that I knew an Onikawa technique. I felt something in me melt; like my body became accustomed to something. I felt a smile creep onto my mouth as I looked at Chouhi.

"Oh my, sorry aunt, but I win this fight. Oh and let me show you how it's done! Shiryu Secret Technique: Raikiri Break!" I clapped my hands and the electric dragon appeared around my body, just like it did around Chouhi. I could feel the reason why she had to stay stationary; using this move drains a lot of energy from you! I tried moving forward but my body refused to reply to my request.

"Okay, I concede to you Dixie. You have passed your first awakening", Chouhi said, crawling to where Mom and Ryuubi were standing.

"Okay then, it's my turn", Aunt Ryuubi said, walking over to me. "I'm not much of a fighter, but I hope you can learn all the lessons I teach you. Second Shiryu Awakening time!"

"Wait, don't I get a break for food or drinks or sleep... SOMETHING?!?", I exclaimed, tired from fighting Chouhi and trying hard to catch my breath.

"You have to get used to this type of fighting Dixie. In the middle of battle, you will not get any breaks, so you must condition your body for these types of scenarios", Mom told me, almost scolding me as she had to adjust her bra because one of her boobs was about to pop out.

"Are you ready Dixie? Let's do it!", Ryuubi said as she took off her glasses. "Kage Shiryu Taijutsu (lit. 'Shadow Dragon Body Art')" She began moving at high speed towards me; I had absolutely no time to put up a defense. She struck me in the face then unleashed a seemingly endless stream of punches and kicks, paralyzing my body, making me feel like a ragdoll. She threw me into the wall and continued her assault on me. I felt completely helpless as I fell to the ground, hurt and helpless.

"You have to do better than that if you wanna defeat me Dixie. Third Shiryu Awakening! Shiryu Secret Technique: Shiryu no Akuma (lit. Dragon Demon)!" Her arms turned into giant demonic dragons; she lunged her arms forward as I struggled to get up to my feet and I ran from the attacks. I shot a look at my mom and sent her a telepathic message: 'You never told me the training would be this hard!'

~Luigi~ ~Aboard the Akitoki Battleship~

We were able to sneak aboard this massive airship, but it was very difficult; security was everywhere and there was barely a place to hide on this ship.

Something seemed very off though....

"This ship is mostly guarded by Legionaires? That makes no sense....", Noctis said to us in a hushed tone.

"So? What's so wrong about that?", Cece asked in a clueless tone.

"The Akitoki Clan believes the Legion to be inferior and weak when compared to themselves. The Brotherhood and The Legion are technically a part of the Onikawa Clan, so that is their justification for thinking that", I explained to her.

"So basically, the Akitoki are snooty, stuck-up assholes?", Jazz asked me.

"Pretty much Jazz. My question is, what do they plan on doing with this huge battleship?"

"The question I have is what the hell were you still doing with my crystal Luigi?", Noctis grabbed my collar demanding to know the answers.

"I kept it for safekeeping and I wanted to know the powers behind it."

"Etro will not let me hurt you now, but later, I will break your bones..."

We snuck around the guards and tried to determine where we could find Hana in this huge ship. We thought it over and we decided to try to find the captain's room. We continued to slither our way through the ship and avoid the Legionaire guards but we ran into a dead end.

"It looks like we may have to go through the Sky Deck. That may be a problem though", Jazz said.

"Oh yeah, and what exactly is the problem?", Cece asked him.

"The Sky Deck appears to be heavily fortified with machine gun turrets, Legionaires, and other dangerous things. We must be very careful."

We ran through the Sky Deck and hoped for the best....

***Dixie was able to get past Chouhi, but Ryuubi is much more of a challenge for her! Will Dixie survive this part of the training? What dangers await Luigi and his group on the Sky Deck? Find out in the next chapter! Vote, comment and speculate away!***

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