The Truth (Prologue to 19)

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***This is a poem that serves as the setup to chapter 19. This describes the relationship of Banjo and Locke. Hope you like it!***

The Truth (Prologue to 19)

He is my eldest son, yet I hate him so

He is my father, yet I detest him more than Akitoki

He is a weakling and a mistake that I made in life

He is a bastard and a horrible father and I want him gone

His power is nowhere near his brother's so I kicked him out

My uncle is the better brother; he's the best father ever

I wish I could kill him myself, he can't do anything right

I want to choke him to death using a packet of floss

He is nowhere near worthy enough to team up with the Brotherhood

He doesn't deserve the right to team up with me, the Onikawa Rising Star

But to defeat a great evil, we must put our differences aside

We must defeat Akitoki and save the world, even if it means we die!

The Legacy of Dixie©: Darkness AboundOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant