Chapter IV: Secrets of the Chaos Force: Three-way War

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Secrets of the Chaos Force: Three-way War

~Play the music NOW!!!~

Lien grabbed me and threw me into 5 buildings using her cybernetic arm, but I managed to break free and grabbed her with my clawshot. I spun her around and flung her into a few buildings, then I pulled back so I could use my Chaos Slash attack; as her body was propelling towards me, I flew towards her and began slashing away at her, knocking her to the ground and throwing an energy sphere at her to finish the combo. We both landed on our feet, albeit she was far shakier than I was, then we charged at each other and exchanged a flurry of attacks.

"Dixie, why don't you just give up?", Lien asked. "The Legion will rise up and control this world, so why get in our way? Why oppose us?"

"It's simple; I'm the hero and the baddest bitch around and you are the villain and a worthless bitch that needs her ass kicked!", I shot back.

The aura of the Mirage of Deceit began to cover my body and my power began to explode. I vanished and appeared before her in a blink of an eye, punched her hard in the face, chased her down and began savagely beating her. While I was fighting with her, someone blasted me in the back. I turned around and saw that it was Lien! Wait, wasn't I just beating the hell out of Lien???

"Stupid brat, you fell for my clone. Can't you Shiryu be any smarter?", Lien said, wiping dust off of her black military combat boots.

"How dare you talk down my people you filthy bitch!", I angrily spat at her.

I wanted to rip out her throat and shove it up her ass for disrespecting my people! I charged at her but she jumped over my head and shot me with a missile. I flew back into a building and struggled to keep consciousness. I stood up and gripped my sword and shield in my arm and hand and ran at her at full speed.

"It's useless to oppose me Shiryu loser. You have no hope of defeating the Legion and our advanced technology", Lien spoke to me. "We will rule over all and crush the ruling class of the world."

Before I hit her, I stopped running. I looked her dead in her brown eyes, looked at her jet-black hair, and looked at her clothing; a skin-tight, black leather jumpsuit.

"You know, it's people like you that bring my story down and make the peoples' heart beat venom", I told her. I smacked her in the face, making the air ring with a clanking sound. While she was stunned by the impact of the attack, I jumped over her head and slashed her with my sword, causing her to fall to the ground defeated and unconscious.

"Meet my Helm Splitter bitch! It's one of my ultimate counterattacks", I said, looking off to the other two battles raging on...


I fought Amatatsu down with every bit of power that I possessed in my body, but he continued to match my power. We exchanged many blows, neither one of us gaining a definitive advantage. Amatatsu's spiky hair flowed menacingly in the wind as he tried impaling my chest with an electric spear, but I dodged it just in time.

"What is your purpose for doing all this?", I asked.

"You don't get it, do you? I sided with the Legion because I want the Chaos Force", Amatatsu said ominously. "I want to reunify the splintered Chaos Force and resurrect the Akitoki Clan. We will rule the world using the power of the gods! In order to complete my mission though, you must be sacrificed."

"Sorry, but I have no plans to die anytime soon. I won't let you gain the full Chaos Force to do anything with it!"

The mark on the back of my hand began to glow; the Chaos Force of Wisdom was feeding me the power to repel him. I charged at him and attacked him relentlessly, giving him no chance to counterattack. I hit him with a Chaos Sphere, knocking him to the ground; I then pursued him and kicked him hard into the earth below.

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