Chapter XIX-A: Banjo and Locke: The Dysfunctional Duo

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***Thus was supposed to be a super long chapter but I caught the lazy and split it into two parts. Hope you guys enjoy!***

~play the music!~

Banjo and Locke: The Dysfunctional Duo

Akitoki grabbed our hands and threw us into a wall; I jumped out with my fist ready to strike, but Akitoki moved out of the way and avoided my attack. I clenched my jaw shut as I thought about what I should do to stop him. I charged at him and we began exchanging quick, rapid blows as we wanted to destroy each other; I saw that hate flowing out of his eyes and body, the hate he had when we fought last time.

"Banjo! I'm glad you are still alive; now I can kill you myself!", Akitoki exclaimed with a crazed look in his eyes. "I've waited all this time to fight you again! You will die by my hands this time, for I have your brother Luigi's powers now!"

"Ha, like I'm supposed to believe that you gained the power of the Guardian! Luigi would never give that up!", I said in my confidence. Akitoki pooled his energy together and fired a Thunder Arrow; in my shock, I moved out of the way, wondering how the hell he gained my brother's powers.

"Do you believe me now Blue?", Akitoki said with a smirk. "Your brother is dead and I absorbed all of his powers! You can't hope to stop me now!"

When Akitoki spoke his words of my brother's death, something inside me broke.... I couldn't move at all, until I heard that man's voice!

"Get out of the way Blue! I'm gonna kill him once and for all!", Locke screamed as he charged at Akitoki with an Ultimate Impact Blast. Akitoki moved a little to the side, but was grazed by the electricity, causing him to bleed.

"Ah, good Guardian! You actually made me bleed! I am impressed by your drive to kill me", Akitoki smugly said. "You won't do it though, for I'm still too strong for you."

I readied a Chaos Sphere in my hand and ran towards Akitoki as fast as I can, but Locke pushed me out of the way and tried hitting him with another Chaos Sphere, but Locke missed and got hit in the back of his neck.

"Why in the hell did you push me out of the way?!?", I protested. "I could've finished him with one Chaos Sphere! We could've been done with this and home!"

"You aren't strong enough to fight him Blue; just go on home and let me handle this!", Locke said to me. "I'm gonna finish this myself! Move!"

"You don't have the know-how to fight him by yourself! Only I can help you do this old man!", I said, grabbing his arm and stopping his movement.

"Let me go Blue!", he demanded, yanking his arm out of my grasp. "You are the weakest person I have ever met! I don't need your help, I don't need what little powers you have, and I don't need you as a son! I'm perfectly fine having Luigi and Miles as sons instead of two wonderful ones and a weak, useless one!"

I was about to lose my cool and punch the old man, but Akitoki interrupted our heated exchange when he grabbed us by the collars and threw us into rocky walls. I was barely able to get up when Akitoki kicked me in my ribs, kicked me up into the air, and blasted me with a black energy blast, sending me flying into a wall. I fell to my knees and watched Akitoki slowly walked towards me, energy blasts in hands, ready to kill me when Locke saved me by punching him in the face.

"Damn Guardian! I forgot that you were still alive... no matter, you'll be dead soon!", he said as he spat out blood.

"Sorry, but I refuse to die like a common dog... I will protect the Chaos Force! You won't win Akitoki!", Locke screamed as he ran towards him, punching at him. I jumped up and I started punching at him too and we began to fight him at high speeds, exchanging powerful blows that destroyed the surrounding area. The exchange was broken when I hit him with a kick from a backflip and a punch to the face. Locke followed with multiple punches and kicks to his gut and finished it with an attack to his face. Akitoki fell to the ground in pain and I gave a thumbs up to Locke, which he promptly ignored.

"Listen Locke, as much as we hate each other, we have to team up and work together on this mission!", I screamed at Locke, but again, he ignored me. I tried to plead to him, but I looked up in horror as Akitoki was prepping Luigi's final move: The Final Chaos.

"Now finally, we are at the final act! It's time for you two to DIE!!!"

***Akitoki is about to finish the duo off with Luigi's strongest move, The Final Chaos! Can Banjo and Locke stop fighting to save their lives? Find out in 19-B! Comment and vote please!***

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