Chapter XVI: Dark Discoveries From the Past

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Dark Discoveries From the Past


We fell from the sky after escaping the exploding airship and landed in a place that felt familiar to me. The Great Onikawa Country. We had had travelled to travel quite a bit gaining grumbles and complaints. The mood was that of boredom and slight disappointment, but our mood was only going to get worse.

We walked steadily, lazily in a quiet and empty sanction of the Great Onikawa Country drowning in the silence between us. Suddenly a blistering crack caught our attention. We instantly became alert.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Sorry I stepped on a twig," Jazz said shrugging. We all sighed in relief. We continued walking when another crack was heard.

"Not another twig Jazz," I said turning around.

"That wasn't me," he replied. Then there was another crack, followed by another. We looked around trying to pin point the location.

"Luigi, the ground," Noctis said, we looked down and noticed large cracks spread across the floor. I opened my mouth about to say run, when yet another large crack appeared causing the ground to rumble and split beneath us. As the ground cracked open, we went falling down with it. As I fell all I could see was dust and darkness. Everything seemed to happen so quickly, one minute I was standing up right fine, the next I was falling. Falling. Further and further into the inky blackness bellow the ground.

I seemed to have lost consciousness when I hit the bottom of wherever I fell into. But when I rose from the darkness, I had to groan. I was covered in piles of rubble and remains from the earth that we had been standing on. I coughed as a thick layer of dusty air filled my lungs. I placed both my hands onto the ground beneath me; checking it was stable then pushed myself off the floor. My limps ached from the fall but thankfully the earth wasn't heavy enough to break any bones. As I sat up I tried to make out what was around me. It was dark and damp and just grey cold rock. It seemed to be some sort of gave. A groan came from somewhere beside me. I turned and was happy to see Jazz and Cece sprawled across the floor and covered in dirt. Jazz rose from the floor first, grumbling under his breath; followed by Cece.

I looked around the dusted cave, with mild curiosity. It was large and hollow and very dull and grey; yet it had a fate sort a feel to it. A single strand of light illuminated a small passageway to the right of me. After finding Notctis pushing himself out of some rubble we decided it was best to go down the passageway. We continued our trek through the cave, making sure to keep our eyes open for any traps or pitfalls. The passageway itself was small and cramped making our trek somewhat difficult.

~Play it now~

"Well now, this place is... quite mysterious and outright depressing.... I like it", Noctis said as he stretched his limbs. "Where is the exit in this place?"

"I have no clue, my advanced visual powers aren't working here", I said. "We are basically gonna be wandering in the dark this time team."

We walked around more and tried to figure our where we were exactly until Cece sprung a trap. The cave ceiling began crumbling down on us, we ran and dodged the falling debris and moved towards an opening. We turned around and saw that the path behind us was blocked; we were stuck by a cave-in.

"Gah! Baka baka baka baka baka !", Cece kept saying over and over to herself.

"Cece, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself too much for it; let's just keep walking", Jazz said as he took his sister's hand in his own and continued walking. We kept walking for a little while and came to an underground lake; Cece ran towards the lake without watching her surroundings when a snake popped out and scared her.

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