Chapter 17: The Downfall of the Guardian

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The Downfall of the Guardian

"Akitoki! I thought Banjo killed you at Akitoki Tower! How did you survive???", I said, completely dumbfounded at the fact that he's standing in front of me alive.

"My survival is because I am the chosen wielder of the Chaos Force of Power", Akitoki said smugly. "It brought me back to life and this whole time, I've been sitting in my castle, watching and waiting for the moment you slipped up and became vulnerable."

"What do you mean? I can easily take you on here and now! I know that I'm far stronger than my brother now! I'll be the one that kills you now!"

"I'm so sorry little Guardian, but you won't be able to beat me... My powers have grown one hundred fold since the end of the Revolution."

In the blink of an eye, Akitoki had pierced my stomach with his bare hand, causing blood to gush out from the wound. I screamed out in pain as I fell to my knees holding the wound. Noctis and the others tried to help me, but Akitoki waved his hand and blew them all away with a huge burst of wind.

"Sorry Luigi, but if you want to win, you have to do it alone", he arrogantly said to me. I charged at him with a Chaos Sphere in my hand and tried to strike him with it, but he countered by punching me in the wound he just opened up in my stomach, making me cough up blood and fall to my knees again. I struggled to get back up and then I remembered; I was now Chaos Luigi! I began absorbing a large amount of Chaos energy from the local surroundings for a big attack; Akitoki gave me a smug look and ran towards me. I clapped my hands and opened them slightly, keeping my index fingers and thumbs touching as I glared at the incoming Akitoki.

"You really believed that you could defeat me, the ultimate Guardian? Then eat this and remember in death that it was your own arrogance that send you to Hell! Ultimate Chaos Flash!" A bright flash of greenish-golden light emanated from my hands then a huge green blast came shooting out with Akitoki running right into it. The blast was so powerful, it split a mountain down the middle and made it collapse in on itself. When the blast faded away, my arms felt to my sides as I smiled at my victory, but the celebration was cut short as Akitoki walked forward, unscathed from my attack.

"You have very impressive Chaos powers little Guardian, but it's nothing I can't handle", he said. "Your brother was more of a challenge than you could ever be Luigi...."

"Shut up! I am the 17th Guardian of the Chaos Force, Luigi Onikawa! I have swore to defeat every enemy of the Brotherhood and the Onikawa Clan! I won't let you beat me Akitoki!", I yelled proudly. I charged at him and began punching at him furiously, but he kept dodging all my attacks, gracefully moving side to side to avoid my every move. I got fed up and began charging more Chaos energy, to the humor of Akitoki.

"Give up Luigi, you cannot defeat me at your current power level. Surrender and no further harm will come to you."

"I refuse to give up! I will give it all I got just so I can beat you Akitoki! Take this! Chaos Meteor!" Meteors of pure Chaos energy fell from the sky and crashed into the area we were in, causing Noctis, Jazz, and Cece to run for cover.

"Luigi's powers have advanced leaps and bounds beyond what it once was...", Noctis admitted. "I don't think I can keep up at my current level..."

"Master Luigi is tapping into raw Chaos energy... He could burn his body out like that!", Jazz exclaimed. "he has to switch back to the regular kind asap!"

"Jazz, I don't think Luigi believes he can beat Akitoki with regular energy", Cece said methodically. "I think Master Luigi believes he has to go for broke in this fight!"

Akitoki remained unscathed from the bombardment of meteors, so I had to quickly formulate a plan in my head before he performed a counterattack. My Chaos energy began to rapidly rise as I planned on using my strongest move on him; the Final Chaos. Suddenly, Akitoki lunged at me and grabbed hold of my body, wrapping his arms around me, ensuring I couldn't escape. I tried hard to break out of his grip, but he wasn't letting go of me; damn, how am I gonna get out of this mess???

"Luigi, I've been eying your power ever since you evolved into your Chaos form and I must say, I want that power of yours for myself!", Akitoki said in my ear.

" Sorry, but my powers are mine and mine alone! You can get off me because you aren't getting what you want!", I responded in defiance.

"Then, I have no other choice since you won't give up peacefully. Remember in death that this was your fault!" He opened his mouth to reveal sharp fangs; he bit into my neck and began sucj=king the Chaos power out of me. I felt myself growing weaker and weaker, I tried punching him off me, but the power of my punches were weak compared to usual and it didn't do anything to him.

"Master Luigi! You have to fight back! You have to get him off you!", Cece frantically yelled at me to fight back.

"Don't you dare die on us Master Luigi! We need you to lead us and Locke would be mad as hell if you died here!", Jazz yelled at me in an encouraging tone.

"You aren't allowed to die until me and you have our final rematch, you hear me! You better beat Akitoki!", Noctis screamed in anger. I felt like my life was flashing before my eyes as my body began to get weaker.... I could feel my connection to the Chaos Force fading as my Chaos energy levels were plummeting. I had to make a move.... I couldn't let Akitoki take my power and kill everyone I love! My mind flashed to everyone important to me: My brothers, the Brotherhood, my father, my mother, Noctis and my team, Madeline and Raven.....

"Akitoki, you won't succeed in your plan; you'll fail here and now", I said in a strained voice. "I can't let you kill everyone I care about! I can't let you take control of this world that I love so much!"

My body began to vibrate and glow as my remaining Chaos power began to overflow in my body. I had one final plan to beat him; if I can't beat him the conventional way, then I'll take us both out!

"This is my last move, reserved for when there is no other choice", I began to say. "I'm sorry to everyone who I love... Mother, Father, my ancestors in the Brotherhood, Madeline, Raven, Miles.... and even you, Blue...."

"What.... What is he planning in that head of his?", Noctis asked in confusion.

"Master Luigi plans on killing himself and Akitoki! Don't do it Master Luigi!", the twins screamed together. I screamed, releasing all the unstable energy at once, causing a massive explosion. I felt my life slip away at that instant.....



"We have a preliminary report about Master Luigi's mission to gather information on the Akitoki Clan", Sojourner said. "The Legion is active again; they have been impeding the group's progress, but luckily, the Onikawa Clan has been helping us out, especially Dixie and Blue."

"Ah, that is very good! The Legion must be in league with the Akitoki this time around", Spectre said. "We must stay on our guard in case the Legion makes a move towards Angel Island. We must be ready to defend a possible Akitoki attack too."

"Hmmm, wait a minute! I have word on casualties!", Thunderhawk exclaimed. "The Akitoki Battleship has blown up in the sky. Amatatsu, Akihito Akitoki's brother, and Hana Akitoki have been killed in the explosion. Rumored reports are coming in from Lady Cece that Master Luigi has died in combat..." That caught my attention the most. My son died in combat? I refused to admit it! Luigi is the strongest Guardian ever born! I refuse to admit that is a force stronger than my son!

"Emergency everyone! Four huge power levels are headed for Angel Island at a high velocity! We must go and stop them!", Sojourner yelled.

"I will be the one who will go protect Angel Island!", I proclaimed. "I will return soon; make sure that you have the security cameras on me just in case things turn bad and I stop communicating back." I left Haven and walked through the portal as I headed to confront whoever was coming to my homeland.

***Luigi is dead. He blew himself up to protect his loved ones. Locke is in denial, but who is trying to invade Angel Island? Find out in the next chapter! Vote, comment, and speculate!***

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