Chapter XXII: The Mysteries of the Onikawa Royal Family and the Brotherhood

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The Mysteries of the Onikawa Royal Family and the Brotherhood

~play the song throughout the chapter~

"My funeral!? Listen gramps I was too young to die and now you make it worst by taking me to my own funeral?!" He looked up at me with a smile on his face.

"You know Luigi my dear great-grandson, that is the ritual in which things must be done. If not, then you don't deserve the deceased Guardians at your side and you can be cast away with Edmund. You see, he was the Original Guardian, meaning he had no link to the Chaos Force, which made it hard for him. He was killed by Legionaires and now he's dead and gone and no one can save him; not even us Guardians. If you are not a Guardian with a link to the Chaos Force, then you do not ascend to the realm of the past idols. You will die and go straight to heaven or hell, no stops on the way either. So lucky lucky you great-grandson, for if you weren't a Guardian, you'd be cast into hell face-flat, due to the fact you killed yourself.", Athair lengthily explained.

I stared, shocked at my great-grandfather's way of thinking. How could he ever think of speaking things like this?

"Hey are you threatening me Athair? You have never spoken to me like this ever before!", I finally managed to get out.

"You can call it that if you decide to get all runny-mouthed about it.", he said with a smirk. The bells began to chime, as my heart raced with fear. Who's funeral was it? Then my heart died down and I fell to my knees. It was all the same; this seems like a weird dream I really needed to wake up from. I had to face it; I died, and now my father and the whole Onikawa Clan and Brotherhood is reminiscing upon my death. I can't believe this..... How could I have been so stupid!? I could have lived! I wanted to teach my baby brother Miles so much...

"Hey! How long have I been dead? A couple of minutes?", I asked, still staring at the floor waiting for my tears to disappear.

"Only a good hour I should say..", Athair responded. Now I really feel worst for asking. I was dead for over an hour! What have they been doing all this time, embalming my body for the after world? I can never rest in peace until I know everyone has the right state of mind about my death.... Wait, Madeline is thinking of killing herself! What.... how did I know that? I looked up from the stone ground; There she was as if I were looking through a portal. Sure enough, she was sitting dangerously on the window sill of her room, staring down at the funeral from above.

"I will join you Luigi.... You won't go home alone. I'll be there soon Lu-Lu....", her dry lips parted to say so much, her eyes red and puffy still crying tears. She prepared to launch herself from the sill into the whipping wind.

I grabbed for her as the portal broke and shattered like a mirror. Madeline..... Are you still alive...?

Miles was sitting in his room, crying and throwing up. He looked weak, and he looked as though he was in excruciating pain. He clutched at his stomach again as though his whole brain was being shook by some distant memory. He got up and, to my surprise, a pool of blood erupted from his mouth. From what I saw and could tell, he was eating arsenic. Rat poisoning!? But...why Miles? His face was covered in the substance, and from the collage of events I saw through yet this other mirror, he's been dissolving that crap into his food!

"Oh my god! What the hell is going on?!? Miles, why are you being such a dumbass! You have to live for the Brotherhood, for the sake of our Onikawa brethren!! You have to live for Mobotropolis!! You cant just die like this!! Fight back you bastard, fight the urge to die!!!!", I cried out as I jumped for the portal, it broke as well. But the last one seemed real; too real in fact. I touched it and my whole world became a bright light. The eye blinding white light took me to a place. The Brotherhood's Guardians of Past Times were sure as hell still surrounding me.

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