Chapter XIV: Cece and Jazz: The Ultimate Tag Team

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Cece & Jazz: The Ultimate Tag Team  

~Start music now!~


"Where did she go? We've been looking for the past two hours! She couldn't have vanished into thin air!", I complained as we searched the deck of the ship. Hana ran up here and we followed her, but she completely disappeared. We've been searching for her for the past two hours but turned up nothing. We searched another empty room and I cursed as we again turned up nothing. I punched the entryway to the room and cursed our luck.

"Can you trace her energy signature to any point on this ship Noctis?", I asked.

"I don't know how she did it, but she has completely blocked her energy signature", Noctis replied. "She has rendered herself undetectable by my tracking powers. We''l have to do it the regular way."

I suddenly saw the door behind us slam shut; I tried prying it open, but whoever closed it also welded it shut. These doors must be made of a resilient metal, because I couldn't punch this door down with all my strength.

"That door is made from high pressurized titanium. You won't be able to break through it with even your sheer physical power Master Luigi", Jazz said as he walked towards the door. He placed his hand on it and felt all over the door, as if trying to feel for a weak spot. Suddenly, Jazz let loose a huge burst of Chaos Energy and the door flew off the hinges. We ran out of the room and looked at the sky; the tension was thick and sticky with the different auras and power levels on the ship.

"I got her! Hana's energy signature! It's to the north! Come on everyone, time to finish this...", Noctis said as he began running in the direction that the signature was coming from. We ran to the center of the deck and saw Hana standing there with her back turned to us. She looked over her shoulder and an evil smirk invaded her lips.

"Well it took you long enough to find your way here to me Brotherhood lackeys", Hana said with a look of disgust and disdain on her face. "You all make me sick with your persistence! I will end your foolish and pathetic mission here and now!"

She shot an energy blast at us and while we were dodging it, she attacked us all with a powerful energy bomb attack, temporarily disabling our movements. She ran towards us and I was able to engage her in hand-to-hand combat; without my powers, Hana is a major threat that can't be stopped. I thanked Amaterasu when my powers kicked in and I began fighting her proper until the twins jumped in the middle of us.

"Jazz? Cece? What are you doing standing in front of you leader like this in the middle of battle?", I said, with a hint of anger and annoyance in my voice.

"I'm sorry Master Luigi, but we believe we could do this in a more effective manner. Please forgive us again Master Luigi", Jazz said in a apologetic voice.

"Don't take it offensively Master Luigi, but this time, we get to beat the hell outta Hana!", Cece said unapologetically. "I've been waiting to kick her ass for a very long time...." She cracked her knuckles and quickly threw an energy blast at Hana.

Jazz vanished and appeared above Hana's head and kicked her in the ground; he then fired multiple energy blast at he at point blank range. Cece and and Jazz interlocked fingers and began spinning around, countless orbs of Chaos energy shot out from the cyclone they created. Every shot hit Hana with an accuracy I've never seen before from anyone, not even Father and his accuracy is that high! A cloud of dust restricted our view of Hana's body; we all hoped that Cece and Jazz made quick work of the psychotic bitch.

"You twins have very impressive power for Shiryu", Hana said, still hidden in the dust cloud. "Sadly, you are gonna have to do more than that if you want to have any chance of defeating me. Time to take this fight to the next level!"

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