Little Randle

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Bee, aka Shelby, Randle is Steve's little sister. She's 5, just turned 5 not long ago. She's filled with energy, sass, kindness and is cute to the extreme. Steve sometimes uses her to get girls. Shelby will tell you anything and can never keep a secret. Shelby is also not the brightest or smartest one when it comes to school.

Shelby's smile can make anyone's day, they all love her smile. Its hard to see her down in the dumps. Shelby gets bullied at school and doesn't tell anyone about it. Shelby is real quiet at times at school and other times she's loud and roudy. Shelby doesn't know what a Soc is, she just knows that some kids are mean.

She has brown wavy/ curly hair that goes mid way down her back and brown eyes. Shelby's the crazy one of her little group of friends, likes to make me people laugh, do stupid things and she likes to ignore the given rules. She has a temper at times too, but most of the time it's a real good day for her. Shelby's scared of several things; blades, thunder storms, hail and bugs. She hates them and is disgusted by them. People use that against her and use it to scare her all the time.

So this is a little bit about Steve's little sister, Shelby Randle. There's more to come too.


I won't have a cover for the book, but I will have one very soon. Thanks.

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