Two-bit and Spot

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Spot's POV

"Wake up, Spot!" Two-bit yelled at me as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He ran down the stairs, almost making me hit my head off the wall by the kitchen. I don't even know where were going and I am still in my Pjs and am half asleep still.

"Keith, be careful with her. Please." Our mother said, he ignored her request and left out the door. I was cold, dead tired and not in the mood to be woken up at all. It's gonna be an ugly day for my brother, pretty bad day if you ask me.

"So? What you wanna do today?" My older brother asked me.

"Sleep forever. Did you know it's the best thing in the world for kids my age. So I think we should listen to that rule and let me sleep as you take me to my bed." I said quietly as I tried to keep my sassiness inside of me and didn't want to be a bug, if it were the other guys, then maybe I'd be a little bugger to them.

"Naw, maybe you should go to bed when you're told. And then you won't be so tried during the day."

"Ugh! Two-bit!" I whined, "Please don't make me do anything for you. That's why I'm up, ain't I?" I asked him.

"No, it's not the reason why." He explained.

"So there's a reason as to why I am awake at this time of day?!" I said, he took me off his shoulder and carried me as I put my head on his shoulder to block the sun and because I didn't want to keep my head. Don't all older brothers usually want their kid sisters asleep all the time so we don't bug them as much or cause ruckus? I am sure he should be happy.

"Hey Two-bit!" I heard some cheery squeaky girl voice.

"Hey, uh, one sec." He said.

"Sure. Take your time." She said. Two-bit lifted me up in the air to make me face him and look him in the eyes. What do ya want now?! I'm trying to sleep here and you know that.

"Spot, now you..., okay? say anything mean or stupid... to this girl." He said, but then again I wasn't paying attention to what he was telling me."Spot?"

"Mhm?" I said quietly as I tried to fall back asleep in his arms.

"Don't be mean to this girl!Got it?"

"Yeah Yeah!" I said and rested my head on his shoulder and he held me so I wouldn't fall. I was about to fall asleep until I heard the reason as to why I am actually out here and awake. It was because he was gonna wonder off with some girl and leave me at the Curtis house all day with Ponyboy and Soda. Darry's at work until around 1:00, he has half the day off.

After their long drawn boring talk, we headed to the Curtis house and I wasn't in the mood. For one, well, you all know the reason and two, Two-bit lied to my face and didn't want to admit the reason why I was out here. I wanted to stay home and sleep all day, but no! He had to bring me to the Curtis house and I had to wake up! I don't mind the Curtis house, it's just one of those days where I don't want to listen to anyone.

"Hey guys, thanks for watching her." Two-bit said and left out the door leaving me here alone.

"Hey Spot! What do you wanna do?" Pony asked as he sat down beside me. I leaned against him and sighed.

"Nothin' Pony. Two-bit's a butthole!" I said and Soda started laughing and I looked at him with some anger in my eyes. He stopped laughing and looked the other way.


"Lied to my face,again! And I'm dead tired! Can I go to sleep?" I whined to them.

"Go ahead, we'll be here if ya need anything." Soda said and I closed my eyes and fell asleep right away since the room was so quiet.

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