Back 2 School

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Spot's POV

"Wake up Spot!" I heard someone yell as they shook me violently to wake up. I woke up not wanting to get up. But I did because it's Friday, last day of school and the day where I get to see my dad. Two doesn't like seeing our dad, but then again I only go because mom ain't home on Fridays and Two's having a guys night out with the boys. Well except Pony and Johnny, they stay back and watch the other three girls.

I don't see my dad and there use to be reasons why. But Two won't tell me them and my mom tells Two to shut up about it. So I just went with it and listened to them. my dad wasn't around when I grew up at all and I know I am still 7, but he should still be around. He wasn't around to see my 1st steps, words or and all that cool stuff. But I got use to it and plus, I had the gang to see my do all that stuff. Anyway, he's just my dad and I have to accept that.

I got up out of bed and got dressed. Jeans, t-shirt and my all time favorite hoodie. It's a light blue hoodie that says my last name, 'Matthews' and a number '2'. It use to belong to Two when he played sports at school and was actually passing school. I put that on over my t-shirt and ran out of my room. I ran downstairs and jumped on Two's back as he was eating cake. His cake dropped on the floor in front of him and he bent over and picked it up. I on the other hand was on his back and I almost fell off his back as he bent over, but he flipped me over and set me down on the ground on my back. He smirked and then started to tickle my stomach as I giggled and screamed. Mom left so it don't matter if I scream or not, plus Two screams all the time, well hollers.

"Two!" I said and then laughed as he tickled my stomach even more. "Stop, that tickles!" I squealed. He finally stopped and lifted me up over his shoulders. I sat on his shoulders and he passed me a sandwich for breakfast, I love ham, ketchup and cheese sandwiches for breakfast. Just that and nothing else, no butter, mustard, no salad and no nothing.

"Let's head to the Curtis house before we're late" Two said.

"Yea!" I said. He grabbed my backpack and we headed out the door. We're not far from the Curtis house, about 5 blocks and Johnny is 10 blocks from our house and 5 from the Curtis house. Him and I sang as he walked down the road . People started at us, but I didn't care. I'm a kid and I am gonna live my way and not yours! So suck it up butter cup!

"Two?" I asked.

"Mhm?" He said as he got on the sidewalk from crossing the road.

"Why can't I stay with Pony and Johnny tonight?" I asked him. He stopped and put me down, placing me in front of him. I looked up at him as he looked down at me.

"Because, you always see dad on Fridays." He said and kneeled down to my level. "Plus, Johnny and Pony already have to watch three screaming loud girls." He said. I sighed and took my bag as we headed off to walk again. I didn't understand, I never get to stay with the girls at night and play with them. I am always asleep, not there or with my dad.

"But why don't you stay with me and talk to dad. You haven't seen dad in awhile" I said to him. He just sighed as he opened the gate to the Curtis house.

"Because I don't need to see him. I am basically moved out and you're not, you're still a little kid, Spot" He said.

"Sure, use that excuse again" I said as I opened the door, dropped my bag on the ground and jumped on the couch next to Jasmyn. She smiled as I watched tv with her. Two came in the house and went to the kitchen to see the other boys. Bee's not here yet, she'll be dropped off at school by Stevie and then he'll head to work with Soda. Dally will bring Bud to school later too and then leave to do whatever. Two, Johnny and Pony all go to the same school. Soda and Stevie would go, but they sadly dropped out. I got to the same school as Jasmyn, Bud and Bee. I am in the same class as Jas, and the other two girls are in the same class.

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