Where's Bee and Jas

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Spot's POV

I've been at home with my mom all day. I got out last night and Two carried me back here, I didn't feel like walking back home either. My face hurts, but won't hurt later on or tomorrow. Or as my mom says, "ya won't feel it on your weddin' day." I laugh everythime knowing she's the one who told me that. Anyway, school's almost over and I haven't seen anyone all day. I'd like to see Cade or one of the girls, or even the gang. But mom said to stay here so i don't get hurt, I also have medicine to take for swelling and pain, it's nasty as hell.

I got up off the couch and made my way down stairs to the living room. I sat down and turned the tv on. Mom's asleep since she works at night as a police. But yet she never blames us for anything and she always tried taking our sides but no one believes her half the time. I got comfy and watched Mickey for a little.

The door busted open as I heard Two come in the house and pick me up off the couch and spun me around the room. I love when he does that, it's fun to 'fly'. He stopped and held me in his arms as he looked at me.

"Ya look good enough to leave the house." He said.

"Yea, let's go. Where's Cade? Is she there?" I asked him, he shrugged his shoulders as he left outside. I asked him about his day as he walked down the road to the Curtis place. I saw Johnny walking too, but he was alone and not with Cade. Two put me down and I ran up to Johnny and stood in front of him. Johnny kneeled down to my level and I looked up at him.

"Have you seen Cade?" I asked. He looked a little confused.

"Uh Jas. Have ya seen her Johnnycakes?" Two asked.

"Nah, she didn't come home yet." Johnny said. "But hey, ya look good since what happened" He said.

"Thanks, I always look good!" I said with a smile as i ran down the sidewalk to the Curtis place. The other two walked behind me and I got in the house first to see Bud fighting with Soda. Looks like she got into trouble. I walked into the kitchen where Darry usually is. I walked up to him and he picked me up hugging me and I hugged him back.

"Hey kiddo, how long have ya been out for?" He asked.

"Since last night. Two brought me home since mom was at work" I said. He smiled and put me down. he had to finish supper for us all again. I ran into the living room looking for Bee, she wasn't here. But yet Steve was here and he didn't seem to notice she wasn't here.

"Yo Stevie!" I said and he looked at me, setting his beer down on the table. "Ya left ya sista somewhere" I said. His eyes went wide as he got off the couch and ran outside. Soda left with him and Bud stayed here, she was fighting about detention and how Soda didn't like how she got detention, again. I sat on the couch and watched tv as I waited. Two left to go and find Dally. Johnny left elsewhere to try and find Cade. Bud's in Darry's chair and she's asleep after a long day of school. Darry's doing supper and I am sure it'll be just the three of us. Unless the others come back before school.

Jasmyn's POV

I was walking alone from school when Pony and Bee walked up to me and stopped me. Pony asked me to come to the movies with them both since he didn't want to go alone and thought it be fun to hang around and watch a movie. So I joined them, I walked next to Pony as he carried Bee to the movies because she didn't want to walk, but mainly because she'd wonder off and we'd loose her.

We stopped at the fence and I went under first and then Bee went. Pony followed under the fence after her. We walked over to the seating area and sat down on the chairs. Well Pony and I sat on the chairs while Bee sat on Pony's lap. I didn't mind, I just want to be with Spot. Her and I are the best of friends and nothing can seperate us, nothing.

I watched the movie with Pony and Bee fell asleep on his lap. She looked cute too, no wonder why the guys love and care about us so much. Two-bit flipped when he heard what happened to Spot. Any of em will flip if one of us are 15 minutes late from school. Although I am usually never late for school and usually am on time.

I started to rock back and forth in my chair, not paying attention to my surroundings. Even though I should be paying attention to everything around me. Pony told me to stop and sit down, I did. But when I tried to stop, someone walked into my chair as they were walking down the dirt isle. I fell forward banging my face off chair in front of me. Others laughed as Pony helped me up off the ground and I sat back down in him. Pony turned my face towards him so he could see what happened to it.

"Aww Jas, ya got a black eye and a scrape above your eye." He told me. I nodded as I touched my face and then brought my hand back down in front of me. Pony got up carrying Bee and I got up following him out of the pack of people. I held his free hand as he guided us out of the drive-in.

We got out and decided to drop off Bee at her house. Steve might not be there, but their mom is there and will watch over Bee. We left Bee's house and I stopped Ponyboy in his tracks. It's pretty late at night too and I am tired. I lifted my arms up giving him the memo to pick me up. He picked me up and I rested my head on his shoulder as he walked down the street to his house. He kept talking to me and asking questions about when I might talk. He wants to hear my voice and I bet my voice sounds good.

We got on the house and it went to complete chaos. People asking where I was, where Pony was and where we are. Johnny took me from Pony as he told me that they were gonna clean up my face. I closed my eyes and fell asleep in my brother's lap as his friends cleaned me up.

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