Saving Bud

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Bud's POV

I left the house right after the guys all left to help Jasmyn and Spot because Jasmyn's parents go to them both. I walked alone as I though about absolutely nothing, why? Because I am lost, Bee's not here to lift my spirits, she left and that means that I am down. I didn't get to say goodbye to her. She just fell asleep and left, but the nurses told me that she was gone.

I walked aimlessly as I had no idea where I was going. I had no clue, but then an idea came to mind. Why stay here where I will get hurt even worse then this? I could leave here and have a new start, new beginning. No matter how much I'll miss this place, its sounds like a good idea. But before I could think any longer, I bumped into someone and then fell on my butt.

"What's a little kid like you doing out here alone, and at this time of night?" I didn't notice it was night and then I looked up to see the night start shimmer with stars, yay! I shifted my head to look at who the boy was that was talking to me, it was some random soc that I've never seen before. Wait! He looks, but mostly sounds like boy that we over heard say he was gonna bring a blade to the Rumble awhile ago, about three weeks ago now? I was in the hospital for two weeks, then about one when we were all together.

"N-nothin', I didn't mean to. I-I'm sorry Mr. But please, don't hurt me." I said and tried to back away from his, but someone from behind me picked me up and covered my mouth. I tried screaming, but it was no use at all. I couldn't do anything to try and save myself from these people. He walked down the street and then went to the lot, the one on the greaser side of town. I don't know what's happening right now or what will happen.

The guy walked over to a tree, set me down and held me there as two people taped my hands, my feet and my mouth. They taped my hands behind my back so I couldn't get away from them, then they did it to my feet and then put a piece over my mouth.

Once the two boys left, the only one standing bent down and looked at me shaking his head as he laughed a little. It was quiet, except for the boys that were in a circle  around a big fire. Cars pulled up and then more came, more boys got out and then three boys walked over to me and the other boy who is in front of me smirking.

"Look kid, you're gonna stand here while on of the guys behind me hold you. Then you're brother and his friends will be here very soon, once they see you, they'll freak and then a Rumble will start again. SO do me a favor and stand here." He said. I shook my head no and tried to speak, but it came out muffled. He got up and pulled me up by the collar of my jacket and then put me over his shoulder, he walked over to more guys as they all said some comments, not very nice ones either.

He put me down and I stood there as I watched him leave and someone else stood behind me, their hand gripping the back of my neck to keep me here and not move. Each time I tried to move, he'd just use more force and then I'd tense up and relax myself after. Well tried to relax myself, I couldn't with everything going on and I was deeply scared that something bad could happen to me at anytime now. Anything! I started to cry a little, what didn't help was is that it started to rain and I became soaked instantly, nothing on my body was dry anymore.

I head people howling likes wolves and I knew who those voises belonged to, my brother and the gang. I struggled to get free from the guy's grip and it didn't work so I stood there in the pouring rain as I the fire's light shined on my face, keeping my whole body somewhat warm. I don't know why they put me by the fire and not other people. Anyway, all the socs started to walk over to the middle of the lot and they created a line of socs that smirked, crossed their arms and looked at all the greasers standing in front of them, ready to kick their butts.

"What do you want now, Bob?" I heard from Darry. They must be all here then, they usually never come here alone and at night too.

"We said there was a Rumble tonight, skin only since last time one of yous brought a blade." I assume Bob told my brother and the gang. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe as my whole body started to shake as I hoped for the best tonight. None of the guys get hurt by these no good socs, please no one get hurt. The guys next to me, just watched as the Rumble began about two minutes ago. I started to try and talk some more, to try and get the tap off my mouth, but yet the guy behind me hits me and then slaps the tap back on my face.

One soc picked me up and I tried screaming for some help, I couldn't see the guys. Pony and Johnny teamed up on one big guy, Darry's got three and so does Two-bit, Soda and Steve each got two, Dally's got two and he's wondering around looking for more to take down. I was able to kick him with both of my feet, because they were still tied together or taped together I should say. He ripped the tap off my mouth and then smacked me. Man that hurt. I had to call for my brother, he could hear me and help me, I hope.

"D-dally!" I yelled as loud as I could.

"She's around... here somewhere." Ponyboy said as he got punched in the stomach and went to the ground. No! I thought to myself. Don't hurt him, he didn't do anything wrong to you.  Shoot, none of them did, none of us greasers did anything and what do we get? We get to loose friends very dear and close to us, get beat on by parents, and we get treated like Outsiders. Which sucks a whole lot since were more then just that, but they will never see it.

"DALLY!" I yelled once again. I looked around for something to distract the guys around me. I saw Spot and Jasmyn sneaking up behind the guys, giving me the signal to keep quiet and don't move. They went up behind the two guys, kicked their back legs and the two went down, and so did I. I fell to the ground as the guys released me from his grasp. Jasmyn went after the other guy, she had a blade and scared them away, she held it to them as she circled around Spot and I. Spot took the tap off my hands and I then helped her get the tap off my ankles. I closed my eyes as I saw a soc coming towards us.

"Don't touch them, ya hear me!" She yelled as she went closer to the soc and they all put their hands up in defeat as Jasmyn circled us and held the blade at them, didn't touch them. But, she used it to scare them and try to get rid of them.

"Yeah" I could hear the guys say.  Socs started to flood and that's when the three of us got up and ran. They jogged so they could stay with me still and watch me. We headed back to the Curtis house and didn't tell the guys that the socs no longer have me. We got in the door, slammed it shut and then locked it. Spot and I went over to the couch, plopped down and sighed. I wiped my tears away with my shirt as Jas went to the kitchen with the blade.

"Calm down Bud, you're gonna be fine. Trust us." Jas said as she walked back in, still looking like Spot and I; soaked and muddy, and me with some cuts or bruises. She sat next to Spot and leaned against the couch, I pulled the blanket over us and leaned against Spot and she didn't mind, since I am the youngest and that's who she is, she's a kind girl.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the sound of snoring, the rain and wind outside. I felt a little safe, but I was still terrified from what just happened, not the part of the girls saving me. I let my thoughts be as I dreamed of something beautiful.

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