Where's My Sister!

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Soda's POV

The girls we were talking to left after we talked for around ten minutes. Spot was tugging on our shirts and wanted us, so we let the girls go and looked down at her. Ponyboy started to look around as I waited for Spot to tell me what she needed.

"Bud wants you to push her on the swing." She said and pointed to the swings, where Bud was suppose to be but, wasn't there.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"She's not here. I searched everywhere." Ponyboy said. Damn it! We lost Dal's kid sister and who knows what he could do to us now.

"Well we gotta find her before he kills us!" I said. They nodded and went around searching everywhere for her, the park, the lot, the streets, and or anywhere a kid her age would go or wonder off.

"Wait, didn't you see other people here?" Steve asked me. Pony and I shook our heads no, I only saw the girls here and no one else was here. That's when we saw Dally walking up the road, all on his own, no girl and no Bud. Damn it, we're dead I tell ya! He stopped in front of us and we tried to keep it in, but Spot opened her big mouth and told him everything.

"They lost your sister." She said. Dally looked at us and then he paced back and forth for ahwile, then he ran off and mumbled something to us.

"Do y'all know what he said?" Pony asked.

"Yeah, he said to check his parents' place." Steve said. So the four of us went to Dal's parents'. I sure do hope they don't have her. Steve and I ran down the street while Pony and Spot jogged together down the road. Well, Spot ran and Ponyboy jogged. Steve got there first and went inside. The door was locked so he kicked it down and I went in after him, telling Pony to keep Spot away from the house.

I walked around while Steve was upstairs and no one else was here but Steve and I. The floorboards creeked with every step you took, the walls and paintings were covered in cobb webs, dirty dishes filled the kitchen and then I heard Steve stomping down the stairs and then almost fell as he stopped in front of me.

He bent down and put his hands on his knees as he was panting in front of me. "She ain't here! Damn it!" He yelled and left to the bedrooms and I went to the basement. Once I got to the bottom, it was dirty, filled with furniture and junk. There was no sign of a five year old girl here or anyone for that matter.

"C'mon Soda! We'll check else where!" Ponyboy yelled from upstairs. I ran upstairs and left outside with them. Spot was walking around aimlessly as she played with rocks off the ground.

"Come on Spot, we gotta find Dally." I said and turned around to see what she was looking at. It was Dal walking up the path in front of her with Two-bit by his side.

"Look Dal, we're real sorry. We'll find her." Ponyboy said and looked at the ground. Steve and I stood side by side as we waited for a response.

"We'll find her. Did my parents have her?" He asked and we all shook our heads no. "They probably hide her and if they did, then there's no way we're going to get her back."

"How come, Dally?" Spot asked. Guess she doesn't understand what Dal's parents do. She doesn't know that Dally's parents beat their kids, they could be worse then Johnny's parents at times.

"Things, Spot, things." Dally said and picked her up and we left back to our house. Great! Now were down to 2 out of 4 girls and who knows what could happen next. Will another girl be next? Or will it simply be a guy? Maybe the youngest ones or the middle aged ones. I just went on to think other things for now.

We got in the house and no one said anything, did anything and we all also had no clue where Johnny and Jasmyn were. We left it at that and we stayed quiet during the time being. Which I was fine with. I just had one thing on my mind, what happens next?...


Hey, so this book is over now. If any of you want a second book, just tell me and I will make one. Thanks for everything and I appreciate all your comments and votes. 'Til next time.

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