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Jasmyn's POV

Bud and I got up, trying to not get noticed by the two older socs. They look about Pony and Johnny's ages. Not any older or younger. Her and I started to run when the two boys picked up their pace. They ran after us and we got to the middle of the lot, they pushed us both down to the ground and before they could hurt us anymore. Three figures stepped out in front of us, a boy around my age. Another older boy and girl, both around Pony's age, maybe a little older. The two older ones started to beat up the socs, once I realised who the younger boy was. I was relieved, it was Declan. Mine and Spot's friend from school and the other two must be his older siblings.

"You two okay?" Declan asked us, I nodded and Bud got off the ground ignoring him completely. He helped me up off the ground and we walked and followed Bud.

"Who are your friends, Declan?" The older girl asked walking up behind us with the other boy.

"Oh, this is Jazzy. She's in my class and her, well I don't really know her." Declan said.

"I'm Bud, BUd Winston and not related to Jas." Bud said. "Oh and we both have to go and do some buisiness alone, nice meetin' y'all." Bud said pulling me away from them. I wanted to stay and talk, but my best friends were more important. I needed to see them just as bad as Bud needed to see them. Her and I made a plan that we'd split off and go see one girl. Like she'd go and see Bee, while I go and see Spot.

We got to the hospital and we snuck in. We're pretty small and no one saw us, plus not many people were there to tell others that two little girls are roaming the halls of a hospital. Her and I walked down the hall side by side, looking in each room for the girls. We got to the very end and I saw Bee in one room. She wasn't awake, moving and she looked pretty much dead. Bud left in there holding her tears back, but couldn't so she ran in there crying and hollering Bee's name.

Bee and Bud have something speacial that not most people have. They may fight the odd time, but they always laugh together, are together and they just do everything toegther, like Spot and I. Bee's the more laid back, chill one and Bud's the more bossy one out of the two. But they both are sassy when they want to be, they both are always happy. I usually never see them down in the dumps, they're always hanging around Soda and Steve when they're not at school or the boys are not at work.

I walked around down the other side of the hall, I didn't get to Spot's room until I went to the other end of the hall. I walked in and she was wide awake staring into space. She came back down to earth once she saw me walking around. I sat on one of the chairs by the window and she just stared at me as i looked at her. Looking at everything that was wrong about her, the way she looked at me, looked like she was confused or had no clue who I am. Her eyes have some fear, but not much. Tear stains are stained on her cheeks and she was covered in small cuts or bruises.

"Who are you?" She asked me. Can't belive she doesn't know me, I'm Cade! The kid she can rely on, she's my shoudler to cry on and I am hers. I got the notepad out of my pocket and the pencil. I wrote "I'm Jasmyn, but you call me Cade. I'm your bestfriend, please remember me." With that, I got off the chair and walked over to her, handing her my notepad and standing next to the bed.

"Why can't you just talk to me? I mean you're able to talk. You look like your 7 or 8." She said. She's making me upset, how she doesn't know this and the way she's talking to me. Kinda sassy like or like some soc. One or the other and I hate it to the max. I took my notepad back and wrote "I'm a mute, which means I don't talk at all. Now, could ya stop sassin' off to me. I hate it and younever use to sass off to me, the girls or the guys." I said. She took the notepad and then read it, she started to laugh and that's when I had enough of her. I left the notepad there and wrote on my hand, "Goodbye, Spot".

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