Finding Bud

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Bud's POV

It's been 5 days and I am off the grid. It's terrible how long I've been out here. I can barely move because of how weak I am. I came face to face the other day with a bear, man was I scared. I pist myself from how scared I was. Not kidding and I didn't feel too hot after that, Dally talks like that all the time. My hair, don't even let me get started about that. My tuff hair looks like a rat's been livin' there for who knows how long. Knots all over the place in my hair, I got some dried up mud in my hair and twigs too. My face, don't let me get started on that either, I got mud, dirt, blood, cuts and bruises covering my face. It doesn't hurt though for some reason, I thought it would hurt. Turns out it doesn't! I look spectacular, but I am 5 and 5 year olds get dirty all the time, right? Well I know Bee and I do, come to think of it. I haven't see Bee, Jas or Spot since I left. Haven't had rumors flying around about them either. Nothin'.

I jumped down from the top of the tree. I haven't really been sleeping in just one tree, I've wondering the woods. I'd leave, but I am sadly lost and just am aimlessly looking for a way outta here. Do ya know how hard and scary it is living out here. But don't worry, I've been eating berries from off plates or trees. I just pick them and eat them, I once didn't pay attention yesterday and I accidentally ate a caterpillar along with the berry. Well at least I got some fibre or protein, I don't really know since I am 5.

I walked around with my walking stick as I looked for a way out, just anything. If I can find a telephone line, then follow that out. Then I'd be fine to find a way outta here. So I just kept searching for ways out of here. I've seen so many things I wish I haven't seen, like the bear and when I peed myself after that. Yuck and gross, walking around with wet pants is not fun at all.

I heard sounds, like dog or wolf. So I hid behind a tree and laid on the ground, covering myself in the broken branches so they can't see me. I saw the bushes in front of me moving and I was so ready to scream, that's exactly what I did. I got up and ran, I turned around and saw two huge dogs or wolves jump out of the bush, I screamed as I ran and those wolves or dogs chased me. I was starting to cry from how scared I was, I was trying to ask the dogs to not eat me. But they just kept chasing me.

I fell over a tree root and I turned on my back, covering my face from the dogs or wolves. I could hear people yelling, but I didn't know the peoples' voices at all. I peaked a little and saw that it was two dogs, German Sheperds, and they just circled around me growling and smelling me. The voices got closer and then someone yelled, "Found a girl!". He moved the dogs out of the way, I got up carefully and started backing away from them. These guys are all wearing black, jet black uniforms, have guns, masks and I thought I was in trouble for something I didn't do. I stopped crying, but it still looked like I was since I have tear stains on my face.

"It's okay, we won't hurt you" One guy said coming closer to me.

"T-take off the mask, put the gun away" I said quietly. Three out of 7 took their guns and masks off them. I stood leaned against a tree scared outta a mind. They came closer to me and I wanted them to leave me alone.

"She's the missing girl" One said.

"Yeah, what was her name?" Another asked.

"Bud Winston" I said quietly.

"No, it's um... That's it." He said. "Charlie Winston" Ugh, I hate that name. I'd prefer to be called Bud. I've been called that ever since I was very young.

"C'mon, we'll take you back." One said. I didn't want to go back with these guys, they still look way more intimidating. One came up to me and was gonna pick me up and carry me back. But I backed up the other way and told them that I'd follow them back. He agreed, so I followed three of them back, as four walked behind me with guns and all that. Made me look like a criminel for crying out loud when I am surely not. I'd die if I were one of those.

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