Find Them!

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Dally's POV

The socs started to run away, which means we won the Rumble again. During the Rumble though, I could hear a small delicate voice calling my name, they seemed like they were in trouble. Then it hit me, Bud! We left her alone at the house while we went to go help Spot and Jasmyn out of Johnny's house. I gotta find her before something bad happens to her, or even worst, she ends up like Bee. I don't want that, none of us do and none of us wanted Bee to disappear from our worlds.

"Guy!" I said trying to stop them from cheering and hollering, even though we did win and that's what we do all the time. They all stopped and looked at me with confusion.

"What?" Ponyboy asked curiously.

"Bud's yelling for our help. We gotta find her." I said, they all nodded and we took off in different directions looking for her. Johnny and I went over by where the socs were, Two-bit came along too with us. There was tape on the ground, a blade and junk from who knows what. By why is there a blade and tape? Did the socs try to kill one of us again? What's the tape for anyways? You can't fight with tape, it does ya no good.

"Yes! Some tape!" Two-bit said as he picked up the tape off the ground.

"That's used tape, Two." Ponyboy told him as I stood there trying to think of where the hell she could be. Where?  Damn it! Please tell me the socs didn't get to her first!

"I know, but look." He said. I was ready to hit him upside the head for being stupid at a time like this. "Look it's Bud's hair." He finished. I walked over to him and kneeled down beside him. Pony came over and looked around too.

"There's blood on the ground and on some of the tape." He said, we nodded to show him that we understood.

"Dally!" Johnny yelled from a far. But where? I got up and started to run towards Johnny's voice, he was surprisingly not far from us and he was with Steve and Soda.

"What?" I asked him as I caught my breathe and the other two ran up beside me, panting as well. Pony's wiping the blood off his bloody bruised knuckles that are no longer white and might be broken, much like the rest of ours.

"Jas was here and so was Spot. But we don't know where they went." Soda said for Johnny. Great, three girls are probably out there in the middle of the night, maybe with socs too and who knows what they could do to them. But I'll kill 'em once I figure out where they are and who has them. That's when Darry came running over to us, he came from the house.

"Come with me." He said and started walking back to his house.

"But we gotta-" I started but, Darry cut me off.

"Just come one and shut up!" He said more demanding this time. We all shut our yaps and followed Mr. tough guy to where ever he was going to, most likely the Curtis house. I could hear Soda and Steve talking quietly behind us, they might think they're whispering. And they're clearly not good at whispering because we can hear them loud as day over here.

We got to the Curtis house and sure enough there was three young girls asleep side by side on the couch. But how? I swore that I heard her screaming at the lot. Johnny has Jas's jacket and Two-bit, well, he didn't even know that she left at all. None of us knew that our sisters left in the first place. But boy am glad to see them all here safe and asleep and not out there with socs and barely alive.

"Woah, who knew they'd be here at home, safe and sound, Dal?" Two-bit smacked off. I was ready to punch his face in by now.

"You know what Keith?!" I said and looked at him, he looked up at me smirking as he sat on the couch and got himself comfy as he could be. He shrugged his shoulders and I continued on with what I was saying. "Do you ever shut up?"

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