Talking All Night

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Johnny's POV

Today was an eventful day. Pony, Two and I watched the grade one and two class play soccer for a little. My kid sister and Two's kid sister played soccer. Their teams aren't fair, socs vs greasers, is not fair at all. I even saw one of them push my sister into the side post of the net, I got furious and wanted to so bad go and kill that kid, well Ponyboy wanted to and I did too, but I could never hurt anyone. But what made me feel better was when Spot pushed the boy into the net and then kicked the ball and it hit the goalie in the stomach.

School's done and the three of us are walking home from school. I jsut really hope Jasmyn didn't go home once again. She knows what happenes if she comes home and our parents are there. She doesn't do anything though, she doesn't try to run out of the house, try to stand up to them. I don't either, but I at least try to get out of the house or go no where near the house. Pony tapped my shoulder and pointed in front of us.

It was Jasmyn sitting on the ground leaning against the fence that blocked off our whole yard. She didn't look too good, I ran up to her and kneeled down next to her and the other two ran up behind me standing over us.

"Did mom and dad get you again?" I asked, she nodded and looked at the ground. I picked her up and carried her back to the Curtis place. She rested her head on my shoulder and she was shaking too. She's scared of our parents and I don't blame her, they're the #1 scariest thing on hers and mine lists.

"Why do your parents hate you so much?" Ponyboy questioned.

"I don't know, they just do." I said.

"Jas, where's Spot?" Two asked her. She pointed the other way towards Two's house. She does that a lot to tell us where people are, she just points in that direction and we usually know what she's talking about. I do wish she could talk so then I knew what was going on in her world, how we could all help her and all that stuff. I hate seeing her beat up all the time by our parents.

We got to Pony's house and Two said he'd be back in a little and with Spot this time. I saw Shelby and Bud playing in the front yard on the ground. We walked inside and I set her down on the couch, Pony left and got a cloth from the kitchen, Soda and Steve are outside with the other two, but they didn't see us since they were too busy playing with the girls. Pony cleaned her face and arms from all the blood and I kept her calm so he could clean her up. She's not the one to sit still when someone's cleaning her up after a beating.

She grabbed Pony's wrist and stopped it from touching her lip. It was swollen and had a cut, I could see why she didn't. But we still had to help her, but she pushed us away. Ponyboy gave up on trying to clean her face. Ponyboy sat down on the couch and she sat with him as she watched Mickey on tv. I talked with Pony or I watched tv with her.

Bud's POV

It's a nice day out here and I am playing with Bee, her real name is Shelby. But that's too long and we just call her Bee. I like playing with her, Spot and Jas. We're pretty close, but not during the day, were in different gardes. I am playing tickle tag with Bee, Soda and Stevie. Dally's not here yet and Soda watched over me, he thinks of me as his kid sister he never had. He'll use us to get girls and we know it too, we just don't tell the guys. School's done for us, we finish a week before the other grades. Because were in kindergarten, next year were in grade one!

"I'm gonna get ya" Soda called as he chased me around the yard. I snuck up behind Stevie and jumped on his back, while Bee distracted him. Her and I laugh all the time and smile, brings out other smiles.

"Be careful guys." Darry said as he walked up the path to the house.

"We will" Bee and I called out. That ticked the guys off a little, we're just messing with them. Its them who have to be careful with us. We're 5 and they're 16. I like having an older brother, I just wish he was here more. I don't know where he goes half the time, he can be gone for a day to two weeks and then come back meaner and stronger. It can scare me sometimes, he never yells at me. But he does come close to hitting me sometimes when were at our place. Him and I live at Bucks, we share a room.

I felt the pile on Stevie get heavier, I looked up to see that Spot joined us. Two-bit went inside and told Spot to play nice with us, she usually does. But not all the time with Bee. Her and Bee work differently, Spot can run around for a little and then just fall to the ground and doze off, Bee on the other hand is always smiling, laughing and is not as rough as Spot is.

"Supper's ready" Darry called from the front door. We all got off Stevie and ran inside the house. I ran in behind Spot and then we got shushed by Darry, we all turned and saw Jas asleep next to Ponyboy and he's asleep too. How cute, now let's eat! Johnny got off the couch and followed behind us and then Stevie and Soda came in. Two-bit went straight for beer and cake, he didn't even want to eat an actual meal. Darry already dished our plates out, us girls with not as much food as the guys. Mine has the least amount of food because I don't eat much as it is.

I sat at the table next to Bee and Spot, were on our knees and the others are all fooling around. Well except for Johnny and Darry, they're quiet and then there's Pony and Jas who are asleep. I do hate how her parents hate her, mine were like that. But Dally brought me here awhile ago. He's been here longer and he brought me here about two years once he was settled in and figured out that I got beat. But I don't anymore.

"How was school?" Darry asked.

"It sucked!" Spot said. "But Jas and I kicked some butt!"

"Watch your mouth" Two-bit told her, Bee and I stood there laughing at what she said.

"Not funny, we did" She said as she sat down and sank into her seat as she crossed her arms.

"I'm done school" I teased.

"I can too, it's called ditching school" Spot said.

"You're not gonna ditch school, unless ya wanna end up like Two-bit" Darry said. Two-bit's been in the same grade for the last three years, makes me laugh every time. He does for the kicks and he doesn't do homework or try, he only tried for sports events.

"What happened with you and Jas at school?" Two-bit asked Spot.

"Nothin'." Spot said and shoveled food into her mouth. She can lie, but Two-bit knows about what she and Jas did. I don't know what they did. Johnny sat up in his seat and waited to hear the truth.

"Yea, what did Jas do?" Johnny questioned.

"Nothin' much, it was mostly others." The word others for her, means she did it, one of us did it or she won't name names. So she and Jas obviously did somethin' wrong.

"C'mon, just tell us." Soda said.

"Fine, Jas and I were getting our food trays at school. Two socs came and accidentally tipped" She did the hands quotes." my tray all over me. I ran after the kid and then Jas followed me. She and I beat up the two boys. She ended up with her ear all bruised and bleeding, her lip got split and then got swollen. But she punched Michael pretty good in the stomach and nose. She did Two's trick." Spot explained and she seemed proud. Bee and I cheered her and Jas on, until the guys looked at us and gave us glares telling us they did the wrong thing.

"Jas can fight?" Johnny questioned and his eyes went wide.

"You beat up three boys in one day?" Stevie and Soda questioned.

"You went to the office?" Darry asked and Two didn't say anything, he was just eating and didn't give a hand that she got into trouble.

"Yeah yeah." She said and got down from her seat. I looked over at Bee and she fell asleep in her meal. You'd think Spot would be the one to do that. But no, she went to the living room and sat down in Darry's chair. I heard the front door open and Dally came in. He walked over to the table where we were and I jumped on his back as he stood looking at everyone.

"You know the kid's asleep in her food?" Dally said as he looked over at Bee. The others looked at her and shrugged their shoulders. Bee's a hard sleeper, it can take a lot to wake her or you can just whisper something into her ear and she'll get up.

"We know, Johnny's sister is asleep too." Soda said.

"I saw and so is Ponyboy" Dally said. I got off him and went into the living room. I sat on the chair with Spot and her and I played with play dough. It's fun and it's made out of peanut butter. Her and I ate it more then we played with it. I ended up falling asleep next to her and she fell asleep leaning on me. I could still hear the guys talking at the table, while the 5 of us slept, Bee, Jas, Spot, Pony and I.

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