Rumble Part 1

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Jasmyn's POV

I woke up not long ago from the guys talking so much about the stupid rumble. It's stupid to fight, stupid to prove who's better then the rest. We're two different worlds, others think not. But most think so, I am one of those who think so. I do think we are two different worlds, I'd never know what a Soc would feel like, getting all the breaks, the blows and all the money while we great crap, nothing or barely any.

Anyway, I am a little scared to fight tonight. Knowing I could get caught, get into trouble or even worse, die. I've heard stories about people dying in rumbles, whether it's greasers or socs. One or the other, I also do know that I have Spot fighting along side me and Declan. But we got socs that are about 3 times our size or maybe even bigger. I got out of my thoughts when someone touched my shoulder and I jumped. I looked up to see that Johnny touched my shoulder.

"You okay Jas? You're shaking." He said, I looked down at my hand and I couldn't stop if from shaking. Guess I am a little more scared then I thought I was. I looked back up at him and nodded, telling him I was okay. Spot and I can't look suspicious at all, they could find out about us going to the rumble, the place where they tell us to never step foot in or on, to always stay 50 feet away from there or stay in Two's house asleep or watching tv.

"Yo Cade, come on!" Spot said calling me front outside. I got up pff the couch and ran outside to join her. I didn't see her, I felt arms touch me and then pull me back with them. They let me go as they pinned me to the wall of the house. It was silly old Spot as usual. She smiled and let me go as I gave her my normal face of saying 'let me go'. I stood next to her as she spoke to me and just didn't stop talking.

"For one, ya gotta stop shaking. They're gonna find out. And 2, why you so scared?" She asked me. I took out a little notebook from my back pocket along with a pencil. I wrote down what I needed to say and then she took the paper and read it out loud so we both could hear what I wrote.

"I am scared about tonight. Remember what they told us? We could die, they could die, anyone can. Are you even sure we can take anyone down?" She said what I wrote.

"You're kidding right? I last saw you take down three boys in our class all at once three weeks ago. I think you're fine Cade." She said. Her and her Cade thing, always calling me Cade instead of my real name, Jasmyn or Jas. I nodded and we both went back inside the house, I followed her in and we went to the kitchen table to see the other two girls, who are playing with their food. We get in trouble a lot by Darry for playing with the food, I mean Two-bit plays with his food and Steve does too half the time. but then again, that's why they're both single still and so is Soda. Well they all are to be exact, I'd be surprised if one of girls gets a boy before them, well they'd get a girl. But you understand what I mean, right?

"Oh hey Spot, hey Jas!" Bee said.

"I'll skin ya next time those boys aren't around!" Bud said, she and Spot are still talking about earlier and all the commotion we caused by our little talk.

"For what? I just called ya a..." Spot said and didn't finish because she flung a huge spoonful of mashed potatoes to Spot's face and she lost her balance and fell on the ground, knocking my chair over too, because of course, she had to grab my chair too. I fell to the ground and she somehow was on top of me.

"You're dead Winston!" Spot yelled out.

"Not if I get you first Matthews!" Bud yelled. Spot got off me and she ran to the other side of the table and tackled Bud to the ground. Bee just sat there laughing and that's when Spot yelled for me to tackle Bee to the ground. I did so, just to take attention off my shaking and I wanted to have some fun. I won't hurt her though, I could never her one of my friend's souls ever, not even Spot no matter how many times she can annoy me each day.

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