Remember Me, Remember Us

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Spot's POV

Today's the day I get to leave. I've been very slowly remembering things. I don't know much or know much people, I only know my brother and I've remembered him. I really do wish I can remember them, I really want to. But I just can't, I don't know how to remember them.

A girl walked in by herself and she looked like she didn't want to come in. Wait, she's that kid that came here awhile ago and was on the verge of crying because she's some sort of mute, I believe that's what she wrote on the piece of paper.

"Need something, kid? Look like you're lost or in the room." I said sitting up and and crawling to the end of the bed, sitting on my knees and looking down at her from the tall stupid bed.

"Ya and I am not in the wrong room. I just came to say hi." She said quietly and she seemed pretty shy.

"Well hello then and you're...?" I asked her, she looked up at me a little upset and sad.

"Jas, but you use to call me Cade." She said and looked at me, then she paced back and forth. She looked like she was trying to come up with something else to say to me. No one else was here, but her and I. "Can you just please remember me? I am shattered and lost without you, you're the one who guides me when I am down, you're my shoulder to cry on and lately I haven't had that shoulder by my side, because you're hre. I want the old you back, not this Spot. The Spot I was playing baseball with three weeks ago and was happy and actually knew me. Please, can you remember me, remember us?" She said and looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I want to. But I can't, I really want to know you and I wanna know what we had, being friends I guess is what we had, right?" I asked her crying a little too. I could hear people or boys out in a hall way saying 'awe, they made up'. I rolled my eyes playfully and she laughed a little as tears came rolling down her face even more.

I jumped off the bed and looked at her. I lifted her chin up and smiled at her. I had an idea and I was smirking too, because she smirked back. "I've got an idea" I told her.

"Spill it." She said.

"Well first, ya gotta get rid of those boys and my brother out there. Two, once they're gone you'll take me to places and hopefully I remember them and then soon after, remember you too." I said, she smiled and nodded. She left the room and I left to get changed. I listened to them as she was out there.

"She wants me to stay and talk to her until later on tonight, that's when she leaves. So you can leave us alone, please?" She said.

"I don't know, remember what happened last time when we left you girls home alone, twice?" One boy said.

"Yea yea, ha don't trust us." Cade said, apparently that's what I use to call her.

"Don't yea yea me, you and her went to the Rumble and weren't suppose to. Then the three of them got left at home and got taken away. Remember that, kid?" The first guy said to her again.

"You were in the rumble?" Another boy asked.

"My sister fought in a rumble?" Two-bit said, put a smile on my face. I didn't hear anything for a couple secondes and then I heard gasps all around out there, I opened the door a crack and saw that she pulled the sleeeve of her shirt down a little to show them some big scar on her neck and shoulder. That's what she got from the Rumble?

"You knew? And didn't tell anyone! Or even me!" One boy said, I didn't recognized him. But he looked a little Cade.

"Johnny man, calm down. I was gonna tell you, but she told me not to tell anyone." The first boy said and then Johnny looked so mad at him. He ran out of the place and was gonna take his little sister with him, when she said "NO, I am styaing here with her. She has to know me, Johnny! It hurts how my best friend doesn't know her best friend. Wouldn't you want me to be happy?!" She said stomping her one foot on the ground, crossing her arms and looking up at her brother.

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