Dallas And Jasmyn

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Jasmyn's POV

Dally picked me up once all the guys left outside. He held me just like as if we were getting evacutated from like war, I am the little kid and he's the Dad or older brother protecting me from everything, if only he were like this towards Bud and me, not just me. He cares for me differently because I am different then the others, I don't talk and I comuunicate differently, not as expressive as everyone else is. Anyway, he ran out the back door with me in his arms, leaving all the other younger girls alone in the house.

He stopped once he got to the train station, the quote train, that's what we call it and his all of our quotes and stuff we wrote all over the walls. Only greasers get to step foot in here, he set me down in one of the captain's chairs. I am confused, but I have a small feeling he needs me for something or wants me to answer a question to him. I made sure to keep my hood on, my hair in my face and to look at the ground as Dally paced back and forth looking at everything.

"Who was the guy who brought a blade yesterday?" Dally asked, he stood on the other side of the train and looked at me. I know who he is and Dally knows that I know who it is, it's one guy. Well two, but only one of them had a blade and he was the one that cut me on the neck. It's pretty big and the cut's wide open, not bandadge or clean. I am covered in dirt, but I just threw clothes over top of myself to hide it all. So did Spot, but I got the worst part of it.

"Jas?" He asked and his voice went a little higher and it scared me a little. He walked over to me and kneeled down to my level setting one of his hands on my shoulder. I didn't look up at him, knowing waht could happen and if he finds out. He'll flip and then bring me back to the guys, they'll flip too and might scare us girls. When they're scared or crying, it affects us equally because we look up to them as our saviors, the ones who are tuff and tough and aren't scared of anything. But when you see them down, makes you feel weird and that for me, tells me something is wrong. And right now Dally's worried, wants to know everything. Why didn't he grab his sister, or even Bee or Spot. But no, he chose me for some odd reason and I don't know why.

"Jas? I know you know who it is. You can tell me, shoot, you can tell us anything" He said. I nodded and he took his hand and brought my chin up. He pulled my hood off my face and I moved my hair out of my face. He didn't see my cut yet because it's covered my jacket. Thank god.

"What happened?" He asked as he looked at me. "Does Johnny know about this?" He asked. I shook my head no and covered my face with my hands. He wrapped his arms around me hugging me and I did the same. I wrapped my small arms around him and hugged him back. he held me and I cried a little, I haven't been huggled like this in a long time. Sure I hug Johnny everyday, we don't hug this long. Him and I aren't really the ones to have feelings.

"I-I'm Sorry" I mumbled in his hear. He let go of me and looked at me. A huge smile appeared on his face, and not a fake smile. This smile is 100% real and I made that happen, me. I did that and that put a real smile on my face too.

"You just talked" He said. I nodded and then he asked me again what happened and I knew I ha to answer. But I got cut off when he saw my cut on my neck. I looked down and it looked distugting. It was swollen, looked painnfully in which it is not, bloody and just looked infected.

"You went to the Rumble last night, didn't you?" he asked me. I nodded as I wiped my tears away and he hugged me again.

"Do you love Bud the way you love me?" I asked him quietly. He nodded and looked at me wipping more of my tears away.

"I just show my love for her differently. She's closer to Soda then she is with me." He said. I nodded and looked up at him, I looked him in the eyes. "Did Spot at least go with you?"

"Yeah, she lied about the tree. Her and I went after y'all left, her and i left to the lot for the Rumble. We knew we had to watch out for you and Pony. I was the one who cut one of the socs with the blade. I was able to get his blade and cut him. Her and I left after that, sorry Dal" I said.

"It's fine, but we gotta get that cleaned up." He said and I nodded.

"Wait," I said, he turned around and looked at me as I stood up on the captain's chair. "Don't tell anyone I can talk. I'll only talk to you and one day I'll talk to the others." I said. He nodded and picked me up. He got out of the train and we made our way to where ever he was going. He lifted me up onto his shoulders and I felt free. Didn't have parents beating me, socs hurting me and no one can touch this! No one can. But it won't last forever, I can tell ya that.

None of us really talked. By the time we got to around the park, we saw al the guys panting and they looked tired. Dally stopped and we faced the panting boys, even Pony looked tired. But he's fast and maybe not a long distance runner. Johnny, Two, Soda and Steve took a seat on the ground and looked at us, Darry and Pony stood side by side looking at us, Pony's leaning on Darry as they're both catching their breathe.

"Ya found Jas, where was she?" Darry asked.

"What you mean?" Dally asked the guys. They all went wide eyed, what happened?

"The girls aren't at the house, they're gone!" Soda said. Then I remembered the Rumble and the letter. How the socs were gonna get us girls back, whether it was the older socs or younger socs. I hit Dally's shoulder and he put me down. I started to run down the road, not looking where I was going at all.

I ran and ran as fast and as long as I could. I bet they have them at school, since we don't have school today they could be there. I looked up at the sky and the dark clouds filled the sky above me, the sun left and it started to get cold outside. I just knew I had to find the girls, most of this is my fault. My fault I started all this, if only i would've just taken a blow by the socs like Spot did, then we'd fine. No one would be hurt, or getting hunted down for. My fault, but I didn't cry because  I knew I had to keep it inside me and keep strong or pray for them.

I looked behind me and saw the guys way far ebhind me. If I turn the corner, they'll loose me. Which can be good or either really bad for all of us girls. but's not like the girls to runa way and not tell anyone. They always tell someone and they always say something. But not this time, they just left, took off. I got to the school and ran inisde from the front doors, i ran down the locker rooms, where they hurt us the most. They had the girls pinned to the walls by their necks. It was the same boys from the Rumble last night. One saw me and he had a nice big smirk across his face, another guy nodded towards me and the original guy came towards me.

I got pinned to the wall in the back corner by Spot. Man she looked bad, Bee's passed out cold already. I can't imagine what they'll do to me, but I knew I had to leave and get the guys. So I kicked the guy in the pace where it don't shine, once I saw Spot go unconscious, they dropped her on the ground and she fell the ground hitting her head. I don't know how hard though. I got down and ran out of the locker room, I had two of them chasing me around the school. That's when I heard gun shots, please not the girls! I thought to myself. I heard one scream, which belonged to Bud. She's alive and awake!

I ran down the halls, in and out of class rooms, through the library and through the cafeteria too. I could still hear the gun shots. So what I did was is run down and empty hall and ran inside one of the lockers. I shut the door and one of them caught me, they took a lock and locked me inside the locker. Great, I thought to myself. I could die or no one could find me at all. Why us? WHy greasers? We get acused of so many things that we didn't even do wrong. I understand Dally and Two, but the rest of us?

"Jasmyn!" I heard some of the guys call out.

"Duck down!" I heard Darry yell and then a gun shit fired. Then I heard someone running farely fast, no one knew I was here and no one could hear me with all the hollering, yelling and screaming and what not.

"Bee!" Steve called, "Bud!" Dally called, "Spot!" Two called and the others all just called anyone's names. I could people telling Johnny to calm down and that they'll find me. I sat down in the locker at the very bottom, I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried silently as all the sounds around me scared me to death.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep in locker knowing it was no use for me. No use to try and get myself out, no one will find me. The thing is, this locker also belongs to no one since there is nothing in here. I knew I'd be here forever until like monday, no one will hear me with how much ruckus there is in the halls everyday. So I let sleep overtake me until I figure something out in the morning.

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