I Don't Wanna Leave!

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Soda's POV

Steve, Spot and I are on our way over to Dal's place, since he asked us to watch Bud for him. Spot's asleep in Steve's arms, him and I had a competition and I won, so he has to carry her and that means I have to bring Bud back to our place, if she's asleep though. I haven't heard of Johnny yet, I just know that Jas is also at Dal's. So I am not sure if I we are taking Jas and Bud back, or just Bud.

"Hey Soda! Look!" Steve said, I turned around to see him messing around with Spot. She's half asleep and she can sleep through anything somehow. He was messing up her hair and just being himself as Spot slept and looked like she didn't feel anything at all. I wish I were like that, but it's fine. People have to get up sometime, right?

We got to Dal's and the door was unlocked somehow. He must've forgot to lock it last night. Steve and I went in with a sleeping kid in his arms to see Dally and Bud both asleep on the couch. He's on his stomach, face buried in the couch cushions and she's on top of him asleep still and she has a blanket pulled over top of her as she's in a ball on his back. Steve put Spot on the other chair and went over to Dally.

"Hey Dally, time to get up! C'mon you're gonna be late for school!" Steve said in a girl's shriek kinda voice, made me laugh and I tried not to. Steve ended up getting punched by Dal as he awoke and asked what was on his back.

"That 'what' is a thing. And that thing is your sister, she's asleep though." I said and walked over to one of the chairs. It's like 11:30 am and there both still asleep, did they go to bed super late last night or something?

"Hey, uh, where's Jas?" Steve asked looking around for her.

"Should be upstairs in Bud's room." He replied. I got up and went up stairs to find her as Steve took Bud off Dal's back and held her as Dally went to do something. Once I hit the top of the stairs I entered Bud's room to see it completely blank. No one is here, just furniture, toys and stuff, no Jasmyn anywhere. Odd? Where could she be? It ain't like her to just up and leave like that. Maybe she's in the house somewhere? I ran downstairs and told them that she wasn't here.

"Maybe Johnny came and got her this morning?" Dal asked.

"Maybe, but doesn't he usually tell you that he's takin' her?" I asked, they both nodded and then Spot woke up, she looked around and then just sat there looking at us.

"Dal's place?" She asked, all three of us nodded and she nodded understanding us.

"Well, we're gonna get going." I said. Steve handed me Bud and off we went to the park. We'll wake up Bud once we hit the park, Ponyboy might be there. He usually plays tag with the girls and what not, Steve and I play sometimes or if they ask us to play a game with them. I'm so glad they don't play dress-up, tea party or even worse, princesses. Even though I am sure Two would play all three of those games with them.

Bud's POV

"Bud, c'mon time to wake up." I heard a voice say and they were shaking me. I didn't want to get up, but how they woke me up was from something wet in my ear. I shot up and looked around, I was in Pony's arms and he was looking down at me smiling.  I smiled back and he put me down, told me that Spot was playing with Steve on the monkey bars. I joined them and since I couldn't do the monkey bars, I went to the slide alone instead. Steve left since I was now awake and here to play Spot, so her and I played together for a long while.

"Soda, come push me on the swing!" I asked, I looked around for him and he wasn't here. Then I looked over by the benches and sure enough all three of them are talking to girls, not just any girls, soc girls. Just like Two's girl he had earlier, Spot told me the story. I got off the swing and moped around, Spot was trying to get the guys' attention and it didn't look like it was working too much.  I walked alone on the other side of the park, until hands pinned me to the ground and covered my mouth so I couldn't scream for help.

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