School Pt 1

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Jasmyn's POV

I left my class to go to my locker and put my stuff away. I have gym right after and with Spot. Spot sure is something, I don't know how to describe her as. She's always cheery and can get annoyed too at times. But I still love her no matter what. She's my bestfriend and I am hers.

"Hey Grease or should we call you a Greasy Mute Girl?" A boy asked as he slammed my locker door shut. Lucky my fingers weren't in the way or else they'd be gone. I didn't do anything, plus I believe and accept every word or name people have given me. Like what that boy just called me. Didn't bother me a whole lot, but it still bothered me knowing he's right and so are my parents.

I shrugged it off and made my way to the gymnasium. I do wish my life were better, but like Johnny said "Life ain't fair". I hate knowing him and I are different, he talks a little and I don't. No one has heard me talk before, I've lived here my whole life and its been the same ever since.

I got to the gym and went to go and change. Once I arrived, I caught site of Spot. She was annoying Soc girls who are changing in the other half of the locker rooms. They separated it so that means socs get one side and greasers get the other. I don't know much about socs, I just know that they have more money then us and sometimes treat us like dirt.

"Hey Cade! What do you think we're doing in gym?" Spot asked me. I shrugged my shoulders, because I honestly don't know what we're gonna do. I just hope it's not really a contact game or one that I am good at. Summer's coming too, which means we won't have to deal with socs for two months.

"C'mon Cade" She said, does she not know my name? Just kidding, she likes calling me Cade instead of by my real name, Jasmyn. I followed her out of the locker rooms and we made our way to the benches. The gym teacher tells us what were gonna do and then puts us in teams. Since he's a soc too, he usually puts greasers against socs and that ain't far. But if it's basketball, then it's totally fair. Most of greasers play basketball or football, our older brothers teach us how to play and its fun, depends on the day though.

"So, we're gonna be playing soccer." He said, your kidding right? I guess were both somewhat equal when it comes to soccer or hockey. Knowing Spot, she's gonna tackle people or push them to the ground. I could do that too or I can just run and make goals. Spot and I are two of the fastest kids that are placed in Greaser category.

"Carter, Jasmyn, Noah, Justin, Jason and Skylar on one team. Cooper, Michael, Xavier, Jenny, Olive and Maddison on another team." He said. Then he told us the rest of the teams, but he put three boys on one team that can kick serious butt and they're the ones who pick on us. I hate them and so does all greasers, except for those who find them cute. I find them pure ugly and snobby.

We started to play, Spot started with the ball and we played against only Cooper's team. The other two teams took the other half of the field and played all morning, mine took the other half and so far, were loosing to them and it doesn't surprise me. But it's also break for the older kids, we have the high school right next to ours and the older kids usually come and watch us young ones, get a view on the kids to take in once they hit high school.

I became face to face with a soc, him and I had to grab the ball when the teacher throws it. I knew he was gonna do something to me and he was gonna do it, whether he got in trouble or not, probably not. Teachers always believe Socs and not greasers, I don't know why though.

"Go Cooper!" I heard the boys from the other team call. He was also the boy that almost took my fingers off their hinges. Gone! I gave him the stink eye and he glared at me. He was a little busy taking in all the popularity, that I got the ball first and ran down the field, Spot by my side and Jason. The others are all behind us blocking players. I ran and had one soc on my tail, Michael.

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