Trying To Find The Girls

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Bud's POV

Bee and Spot are unconscious or are passed out. I managed to copy Jas and was able to get free from their grasps. I got down and ran out of the locker rooms, I heard gun shots and then I screamed, it didn't hit me. But it scared me too good and I had to scream at the top of my lungs. I don't even know where Jas went, but I know she's out there somewhere or in this school somewhere hiding from these butt headed kids, I swear my parents or Dally taught me better then them and they've been alive longer then me.

I ran out of the school and saw people come out chasing me. I ran across the roads and passed people, no one bothered to help me. Just looked at me as a 5 year old ran from like 17, 18 or even 19 year olds for her life. I ran into the forest and just ran, cut through paths, and worst part is. It's raining, dark out and who knows what animals are out here. I ran and ran until I fell over a huge tree root, it was larger then me! I got up and walked over to the tree it belonged to. I climbed up the tree and sat at the very top alone. I cried knowing there are still guys out here looking for me. I fell asleep with tears rolling down my clothes and I was just so worried, I left the girls in there to save myself, am I that selfish? I thought to myself before I fully fell asleep in the top of a tree alone in the dark woods.

Soda's POV

We've been here outside of the school waiting to see if they found anyone.  We were inside, but when Pony called the police, we came outside since someone told us to stay out here and then the police told us to stay outside when they arrived. Police, ambulance and fire are here looking for the guys who caused all this, they didn't do a good job at hiding their evidence. We stood outside waiting for them, we could've tried to keep Jas with us, but it was no use. It was like she knew something, knew where they were.

"Lock 'em up boys" I heard, I turned towards the school and five officers come out with five socs, none of which are Bob and Randy. They all got arrested and then more police went inside to find the girls, if they're still here. I hope they are, I hope they didn't run off and get lost, because that would be pretty bad not knowing where they could be.

"Will they be okay?" Pony asked walking up to me, we're all at the verge of crying now. Steve's already lost it when the gun shots came, so has Johnny, Dally and Two. Dally got so upset that he left, he thought this was all his fault. We have one mad down, 6 left and we have to stay together.

The police came back out carrying only one of the girls, from the looks of it. It's one of the older ones. They passed by us and it was Spot, then I heard someone call for a stretcher for the next one they're bringing out. It was Bee, she was covered in blood, I can't really say anything else since they took her away right after bringing her out of here.

One officer came up to us and he stopped in front of us. He looked tough, he looked like he could take any of us dow easily. He just looked at us and then he took off his glasses and then put them in his pockets grabbing a pencil and a pad.

"How many girls are we suppose to have?" he asked us.

"F-four" Ponyboy said quietly, he's pretty shaken up after everything that happened so far.

"Well we only have two so far, have you seen any of the other two?" He asked. We all shook our heads. I looked behind us at Johnny and Steve, who are asleep in the grass behind us. You can see the tears clear as day on their faces, you can seem them on our faces too.

"Well you have yourselves a good night and we'll call if we find them or have any news." He said. We all nodded and made our way out of there. Pony and I woke up Steve and Johnny, they sat up rubbing their eyes and then we helped them up off the ground.

We all walked back to our place, it was so quiet. No little girls running around everyday, or them fighting over the stupidest things, or no hugs or the cutest conversations you can make with them. Just us guys, the 6 of us, here at my house. No one said a word, no one tried holding in their tears since we all were shedding them by now. I went to my room with Ponyboy. Him and I spoke quietly about the girls, but we stopped since it hurt too much to talk about them, I fell asleep next to him and he stayed awake a little longer.

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