We Found Jasmyn!

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Jas's POV

I've been here for who knows how long, cold and weak. I can't move that well, i kinda got stuck when I sat down here and pulled my knees up to my chest. So I've been stuck for a long while now super cold in here too, with the whole things being metal, doesn't help either. I knew I had to get out of here, so did my best and banged on the door as hard as I could. Not that hard, but I could hear people walking around, some yelled out for something sharp to cut the lock off. Finally! I thought to myself.

The door opened and it revealed two high school boys and three high school girls behind them. The two boys pulled me out of the locker carefully and set me down on the ground next to it. I knew this was the high school Pony, Johnny and Two-bit go to. One boy and two girls kneeled down next to me, looking at me. I obviously looked dead to them, my eyes are puffy from crying. One boy walked up behind and then stopped once they saw me, that boy is Dallas. He pushed the others out of the way and picked me up off the ground and hugging me carefully. He got up and brought me out of the school. He stood outside by a couple cars and set me down on his car hood. I laid back and leaned against the windshield.

"Where were you?" He asked me.

"S-socs... trapped me... in a locker" I said between coughs, I'm kinda sick with a cold from being in the locker.

"C'mon, let's get ya home" He said. I nodded as Dally picked me up and put me in the back seat of his car. I laid across the back as I closed my eyes and waited. He talked the whole time and asked me if I knew where Bud went, because no one has seen here since the day I went 'missing' when I was in the locker the whole time and no one knew but those socs and they didn't tell anyone.

Dally stopped and then picked me up from the back of the car, he brought me inside the Curtis house where everyone was all mopey and sad. But Johnny shot up and took me from Dally's arms. He held me tighter then ever and I hugged him back, he hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Where've you been?" He asked. Dally walked up to Johnny, putting an arm around his shoulder as he looked down at me with a small smile.

"She was in one of the lockers at the school. Some kids found her there and cut the lock off the door." Dal said. I nodded and Johnny sat down and I sat on his lap, I needed sleep and now. I was tired, sick and cold. I pulled a blanket over top of me and laid down, my head on Johnny's chest and my feet across the couch next to me. I fell asleep right there and then and it was enjoyable.


Sorry it's so short this chapter. But I don't know how good it is anymore. I have some ideas, but I ain't too sure how others will react. Do y'all like the book so far or no? So uh, thanks for reading this book and I hope y'all like it. 'Til next time.


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