Back 2 School Part 2

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Bee's POV

I left outside of class with Bud and we ran down the halls of the school. Her and I got pretty bored of doing only work in class. Did you know all teachers give you work at school and after school? Man it sucks and Ponyboy apparently loves it! Bud and I walked out of school to see a whole bunch of people out in the field, why are they there? I looked at Bud and she had the best biggest smirk on her face saying to go over and see what is wrong. So I ran with her out to the field and we squeezed through the pack of people.

"Who is she?" People questioned. I looked over the girl and knew who she was the whole time. It's Spot! Her whole mouth is bleeding and looks like it knocked a tooth out, her face is swollen as hell. You can't even see where her mouth  is suppose to be with how swollen it is. People wearing black picked her up and put her on a bed. I wanted to go after them and go with them, but an older boy in like grade 5 or 6 held me back. I struggled to get free and a kid from 5 held back Bud as she tried getting free from his grip.

They left with Spot and I looked around for Jas, I couldn't see her. I looked around and saw her with a boy! Doesn't mean anything though, other then she made a friend. Wonder if he was Spot's friend too. I walked up to Bud and she was looking right where he and Jas were, standing by the wall of the school and staying out of everyone's way.

"Isn't he dreamy?" Bud asked me. I shook my head no and slapped her upside the head. I decided to leave and plus, she as a boyfriend. His name is Joshy, an okay name, right? Joshy has brown hair, but it's not slick back. His hair is just flowy, just sits there and it just a mess. But he makes it work some how and he got Bud's heart. Only I know about her and Joshy, one of Joshy's friends also only know about them.

"C'mon kids!" Our teacher yelled. It's still gym class for Jas and her grade. I went inside and walked down the hall to my class. I sat next to Bud and we talked and talked until her and I both fell asleep while the other kids got free time to do whatever they wanted. It's free time, no rule about no sleeping during free time. I fell asleep standing and leaning against the chalk bored, Bud fell asleep next to me on the ground and with her thumb in her mouth, helps calms her down.

Jasmyn's POV

"You alright Jazzy?" Declan asked me as he turned to face me and I looked out into the field and saw where my bestfriend got nailed in the face by a fast baseball that she didn't deserve. I nodded in response as he waved his hand in front of my face. I got up and then gave him a hand as he pulled himself up, I didn't have enough strength to keep myself up that I fell on top of him as we both fell back on the ground. He started to laugh as I smiled and rolled off him.

He got up and gave me his hand this time, I gladly took it and then he pulled me up. Him and I walked back to the ball field to continue to play baseball, I'm kinda scared not knowing what the socs could do to us greasers.

I stepped up to the plate not ready for the ball and he threw the ball. I hit the ball and then ran, ran for my life as I passed the plates and ran out into the field and passed onto field of the high school. I ran down the track as a soc chased me with ball, obviously trying to hit me or get me out by toughing me with the ball. I ran faster then I ever have before. I got to the other end and tuned around running back to plates and ready to run into the school, I ran passed and dodged the socs as they tried to touch me with the ball.

Once I got close to little hill that went down near our school, a soc was standing there with a baseball glove ready to catch the ball and make me out for good. He caught the ball and instead of touching me, he tripped me as I rolled down the hill and then he threw the ball at me, hitting my forehead. I stopped rolling and I got up very dizzy and tried to walk, but just fell to the ground.

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