Bad Girl Winston

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Bud Winston, aka Charlie, is 5 years old. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She's like Dally, wants to follow his lead and is always wanting to be around him. She gets upset when Dally leaves for awhile, goes to Jail and she doesn't know it. Bud is a leader, not a follower, unless it's Dally. Then she follows him. Bud's scared of some things, certainly not bugs. She's scared of getting lost, people wanting to take her away. She's scared of lightning.

Most people mistaken her for a bad girl and she's not. She's the life of the party, kind, sweet at times, adorable, cute, smart and funny. She likes to make other happy, but with her. Her mind is different then others, she likes to doze off into her own world or fall asleep when ever she can. Bud has asthma and it can get out of control at times, she also doesn't eat much and that worries the guys and her brother.

Bud can get agressive at times and take things too far. She can start fights by just having someone stare at her for awhile. Bud doesn't like impolite people, but she's learned to deal with the gang and how they all are. Bud can give some pretty good punches, but because she can. The older boys who are around 5 or 6, beat her up for it and she lies all the time. No one knows anymore is she's right or wrong.

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