Dally and Spot

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"D-Dally?" I heard a small voice call my name as I awoke from my sleep. I looked at the door to my room and saw Bud was right there, tears streaming down her face, she's shaking and she looks like she's been sweating like there's no tomorrow.

"Yea?" I questioned sitting up in my bed and getting out, then walking over to her. I kneeled down to her level and she just stood there looking at me. "What's wrong, Bud?" I asked her.

"I had a bad dream. It was scary Dally, they took you 'way from me. Told me that I would never see ya again as long as I shall live and they put me in a house with mom and dad again. Mommy and Daddy don't like me, do they?" She asked with more tears streaming down her face. I lifted her up and went down stairs to the living room so she could calm down. I set her on the couch and turned the light on beside her, telling her I'd be back in a minute. I went to the closet and grabbed her a pair of dry pijamas to where.

"Here, take your other ones off and put these ones on. You'll be dry." I said and handed her the pjs and she cried a little more, probably still thinking about that dream. I feel bad how she gets dreams like this where our parents beat her, because it wasn't long ago when she last got beat by them. It was about a year ago, the day I turned 18 is the day when i took her from them. I saw my dad about a couple weeks ago, he wanted her back and I fought with him telling him that he wasn't going to get her back just so she could be his punching bag. And she doesn't deserve to get treated the way I did when I was her age, I left because I hated beging my father's punching bag and I hate seeing Bud like upset, like she is.

She sat on my lap as I put my arm around her keeping her close by my side. She's young and needs the comfort that our parents should be giving her. It's hard on our sisters, growing up with no parents or have some, but they're never there. The guys and I are the ones watching their every move and everything new they learn, when our parents should be the ones celebrating their first steps and their birthdays. But no, these girls just have each other and 7 guys. I wish we could do more, make our parents change and make 'em see what they're missin'. We might be known as mistakes or disgraces to the world, but others are more then that and I know that my sister will become something in her life and I hope to see that something come true one day for her.

D-dally?" She asked as she looked up at me and I looked down at her. The only thing letting us see each other is the lamp beside us.


"You never answered my question. The one about mom and dad?" She asked quietly as she wipped her tears away.

"They love ya, they just don't show it like they use and they show it in a different way. Through hurting people, they hurt us to teach us our lessons that we failed." I said and she looked at me confused like she had no clue what I said. Right, she's 5 and she doesn't have the same level of vocabulary as me. She has the same one as Two-bit, same level of vocabulary. "They love you, they just..." It's hard trying to think of a way to say it so she can understand.

"...Love us if we were dead." She said.

"No, don't say that. I love you, the guys love you and so do the girls." I told her. She rested her haed on my chest as she looked at the blank tv screen.

"Where's Johnny, because Jas is here." She asked.

"Johnny is out having time alone, go back to bed. If ya need anything, I'm right here." I said, she nodded lightly and I closed my eyes again and fell back asleep. It was one heck of a night, from talking to Johnny, to him leaving, his sister freaking out because Johnny ain't here, my sister having a dream and then her and I falling back alseep on the couch in our living room. I closed my eyes and went to sleep after I noticed she was asleep.

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