Getting Drunk

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Jasmyn's POV

I woke up to someone shaking me once again as I tried to sleep peacefully. They kept trying to wake me up, so I pulled up my covers and rolled to the side. But I fell off the bed or couch. I hit the ground and heard someone above me gasp. I shook it off and stayed on the floor asleep. I didn't feel like getting up for whatever reason they wanted me to be up.

"Jas, c'mon time to get up for school. We have to go to the Curtis house first." A voice said in which it sounded like Johnny. I heard someone else walk into the room laughing, Dally.

"Here take her" Dally said. I assume he handed Bud to Johnny. I felt arms wrap around my small body picking me up off the ground. I didn't bother moving from his grip, he can carry me while I sleep. I slept in the same clothes as yesterday, my one piece pjs.

"C'mon Johnnycakes, we'll just carry them to Darry's" I heard Dally say. He started walking and I closed my eyes as the bright sun lit up and made my eyes burn out of their sockets. I fell back asleep once again and I hope I stay asleep this time.

3 hours later...

I woke up on my own this time. I looked around at my surroundings and saw that it was only Bud and I here. I sat up and went to the kitchen. I grabbed some random bottle out of the fridge and opened it. I took a couple sips and then made my way to the living room to wake up Bud. I shook her to wake her up, she hit me in the arm and then sat up like someone scared her.

"Man Jasmyn, why'd you wake me up?" Bud asked me, I shrugged my shoulders and walked around waiting for her. She got off the couch and grabbed a bottle like mine from the fridge. She chugged hers down and then she dared me to chug mine down. I did so and chugged mine down.

I walked outside and saw the guys out there, well only Soda, Steve, Two-bit and Dally. Bud just walked aimlessly around the yard until she found a skateboard. She ran and then jumped on the board, she laid down on her stomach and then crashed into Two-bit. Scaring the crickets outta him. I started laughing as I joined the guys outside on the yard. I sat on Soda's lap and they all shut up about what they were talking about before and lookedat Bud and I.

"Didn't want to go to school today?" Soda asked me or Bud and I. I don't know he confuses me, not all the time though.

"Nup, school is for smart kids. I'm not one of those." I told him quietly. I could see a smile arise from the others. I looked over at Two and Bud, who are playing on the skateboard. Man is this good to watch or what? I like it a whole lot.

"I'm going to the Park" I said, I ran down the path and stopped at the fence. Making eye contact with Bud and she knew what I meant, since she got Two's back and ran over to me. Her and I left down the street, ignoring the others' requests for us coming back to see them.

"I got so much energy, you?"

"Yeah, crazy ain't it?" I asked her.

"Yup!" She said as we started running down the street and as we started also sassing off to the guys. Her and I got to the park and started to play. I had quite some fun until Two stopped me from playing and held me tight as I yelled for him to let me go.

"What's with you two?" Stevie asked us.

"Nothin', we're fine Stevie" Bud exclaimed as she tried to get out Dally's grip. But it was no use for any of us. So we sat there in their arms as we tried to leave and couldn't.

"Ya know, all y'all are single. Ain't that right, Jas?" Bud said. I nodded with a huge smile on my face because that was honestly funny. She smirked and I knew where this was going. We neared some girls, around the boys' ages.

"Hey, these boys are single. Go ahead and have em', we don't need them!" I said. The guys got filled with embarrassment from us, because they looked like fools in front of those girls. There was like 5 of them walking alone together and talking.

Bud and I got down from their grip and walked over to the trees. Her and I climbed up the trees and hung upside down like monkeys, then we started making fun of the guys and trying to make em mad, which was really fun to do and it was funny to watch and see how mad they could get.

"Damn, these boys should smarten up" I said.

"Should've seen em when they were younger, or even last week. Dem boys were fooling around the house, being butt heads." Bud said, we started to laugh and make fun of them. The girls left down the street laughing with us and at the boys. The boys looked over at us, they looked mad. Bud and I jumped down from the tree and started running. They easily got her first and then got me after a couple more secondes. Her and tried getting out of their grip and it didn't work at all. We were stuck there, literally stuck there.

"Let us go!" Bud yelled and tried to get free from Dally's grip. I couldn't get away from Two-bit, but right now, I felt like throwing up. I started to feel dizzy and I had to tell him to put me down.

"P-put me down, Two" I said.

"Nup, you're gonna end up leaving." He said.

"I feel sick" I said.

"Put her down, she's not lying." Soda said. Two put me down quickly and I threw up. Bud didn't look too good either, "Might wanna put her down too, Dal" Dally put Bud down and Bud threw up and then started choking on her vomit. Wasn't a nice picture and I ain't gonna describe it to ya. I stood there bent over, wiping my face from you know what. I started coughing because I ended up choking on it. Bud's whining that's its spicy, which means its the acid and after taste from the vomiting.

"Man, they don't look good." Steve said. Dally looked like he didn't want to pick up Bud no more since she was covered in her own throw up. So Soda ended up taking her back and I walked quietly behind Two, but in front of Dally and Steve.

"What happened? They went to loud, crazy and full of energy to this." Dally asked.

"Girls? What did you guys eat or drink?" Soda asked us.

" I don't know, grabbed some juice out of the fridge." We got back to the house and they brought Bud to one of the back rooms since she was worse. They made Dally stay in the room back there with her, he is her brother. The other guys stayed here, accept Two-bit, he left to go and see Spot at the hospital. Oh she makes me feel not good, doesn't even know who I am. Like really? But I understand and it hurts to know that your best friend doesn't know who I am. Me!

I laid on the couch and I guess you could say I looked dead. I didn't look like myself, everything was spinning and I had no idea if mickey mouse was playing on the tv or some weird show. But I decided to close my eyes and see if that would help me, it didn't, so I fell asleep on the couch next to Soda,  and Steve took the other couch, he laid across it laughing at what Bud and I said. Then I heard them say that we acted like that because we accidentally got drunk, then I fell asleep for good.

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