The Other Matthews

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Spot Matthews, aka Carter, is 7 years old. She's just like Two-bit, but a smaller version. She has brown hair and its long too and beautiful too. Spot has a problem with forgetting things and not wanting to listen to others. Spot's has an out of this world imagination. She's not the smartest and she's not the dumbest of the pack. Spot can make you laugh just by smirking.

Spot likes to roam around on her own a lot. She's never been jumped before, but she has been pinned to a locker door several times for her snarky, yet funny comebacks. Spot's full of joy and cheer, Two has taught her many things. Like to never give up, but she's the kinda kid that wants everything her way. She hates school and most of the time she sleeps during class. She always get caught though.

Spot doesn't do sports, but yet she's very althetic. She can kick or throw a ball really good. She has her gym teacher, who was a former military coach, who makes them do drills and she's the best one. Half the time, you'll see her running down the track and then she just falls to the ground and sleeps. She's only scared of thunderstorms, that's about it.


Based off of VictoriaDucky

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