sly | jumin

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Your eyelids slowly flutter open,but only to be meet by a rather dim light from your side that illuminates the dark room.

First of all,you did realise that you are lying on a bed although it took quite some time to know it.Your surroundings ever so slow began to clear and your eyes dart around and seems like it that you are in a hospital room-a suite one for that.

Your brain tried to reminiscence what happened and why you are here; but that matter flew from your head when you felt your left hand was squeezed gently.

Curious,you tilt your head with all strength you have build so far and just to see the one person that manage to recall back few images that ran across your head as fast as a bolt-the images wherever you two spent together and as precious as it is.

He seems to be dozing off on the chair he is sitting beside for God knows how long;one hand holding onto yours,sharing his warmth and while the other rested on the arm rest of the couch to prevent him from falling down.

You studied him for a while and your breathing ragged beneath the oxygen mask they gave you. He still had his working shirt and vest on only to be loosen up a little meaning he had just finish work and head up here straight away.

Your fingers gradually move as it made its way to squeeze back his fingers that intertwines with your ones.

This movement cause the figure to snaps from his dozing off and his eyes met your pairs,

"{Y/N}," He whispers in disbelief,slowly standing up from sitting position and bended down to take a clearer view of your feature.

That is when you did realise he had dark circles under his mesmerising dark charcoal pair of eyes and he looks somewhat worn out as if he had gone through a long weary journey.

"You're--awake," he starts off, "You're awake..." his lips pulled into a relief smile,

"Jumin..." your voice barely a whisper but still loud enough for him to hear,

"I'm here,you're safe."


Ah,that's when it hits you.

The bomb which Luciel and V planted in Rika's apartment that you have stayed for the past few weeks has went off-resulting for you, to be injured from the impact;and if it is not for Jumin that has rushed to save you who knows you could have been dead by now.

Why the bomb exploded? Because it detects another person other than you that has entered the area. His eyes-it was bright emerald,screaming loneliness.

Who is he? And why does he want the R.F.A informations?

"{Y/N}," Jumin's deep voice snaps you back and to see him looking down in concern,

"Are you feeling alright?" His thumb graze over your cheek,gentle as always.

You nodded lightly in assurance whilst your lips quirked into a ghostly smile,

"I'll go call the doctor," He said before planting a longing kiss on top of your head and then briskly made his way out from the room.


"It has been a while!" You squealed in happiness as you two entered Jumin's penthouse where he had insisted to stay with him from here on out.

Jumin heaves out a short sigh along with a smile as he watches you from behind,putting down your single luggage by the door he had just closed behind him.

𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬Where stories live. Discover now