only one | jumin

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*I really love the fact that Jumin is quite easy to write about in Fanfictions considering i love to make stories with a character like him

You never were the type to appear elegant,calm yet stunningly gorgeous in people's eyes-or at least that is what the society thought.
The insecurity of society's judgement are cruel and sounds really bitter especially when it is on you;who never really fit right into a certain class nor environment where people would actually judge you for the way you are. The quote 'Just Be Yourself'?

Ha Bullshit.
Sometimes you just have to put up with an act in order for them to recognize you and to fit in to their circles.

You never were the kid to grew up in an etiquette manner,lady-like attitude nor to watch how you speak properly.That is why you are confused as heck when one of the most powerful man known in South Korea and henceforth internationally to other countries; interested and chose you.Are you even sure there is no dark magic occured around here?

Instead like those fine young woman who grew up with champagne in their hands and jazz music by the background,you preferred to have a fun hangout with friends by the street food that costs less than your salary but still tasted scrumptious-a loud joke with your mates,pulling childish pranks here and there,preferably to have a karaoke 'till the dawn meets.

So why you?
You questioned him hundreds and to yourself thousand of times.

Today is one of the few you attend a standing party regarding of your man's success in launching a new product with other firms that manage to be sold out yet you will never get used to it.
The sight of men and women in charming dresses and dashing suit;looking very classy.You would have thought it was a princess-like dream to be able to attend this kind of event but boy,you were wrong.

You beam at the food buffet lining up along the table pretty much looking expensive and all and wasting no time in taking an empty plates before filling them on with various dishes(miracle how you manage to keep your body fit despite eating a lot)

"That girl,she's the one right?"

"Yes,i heard she is Mr.Han's chosen woman."

You froze hearing whispers not too far away from where you stood,

"But i heard she is just a commoner? Pray do tell me why he wants her?" They laugh sinisterly.

"Isn't she bringing such shame to the Han manor i mean,she is no one to begin with! I also heard she is just a nurse in unknown hospital."

"Oh my,what a common job commoner would do!" They giggled.

Your heart clenched ever so tightly under their cruel comments.It always has been like this;judged by the circles of environment you were never fitted right into it.And this is not the first time those thorn words stabs right into you like a vinegar poured over an old wound.

You even now realizes the stare people surrounding are giving you;probably why a low living human being like you gets to eat expensive foods here in this hall? Heck,how can you have an access to enter?

Feeling really hurt and depressed,you slowly set down the plate you barely touches onto the table again.

As if on cue,you felt a hand encircle from behind on the curve of your waist that causes you to be startled by the touch of it but soon relaxed when you tilt your head to the side just to meet by a pair of charcoal eyes gazing at you in wonder,

"Love,where've you been?" He questions,eyes roaming from your head to toe.He really is such a worrywart.

You quickly regain your composure back and flashes him a sheepish smile, "Jumin,were you looking for me?"

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