argument | yoosung

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Today was the day where you would visit your boyfriend's house for cleaning considering he is still in his college years where in the end he decided to take the major of becoming a Veterinary,busy with projects in a pet's clinic here and there.It is a rare chance to find a guy who would often clean their place. And how the injury of his left eye left a history there where it would never erase from you which he done it to protect you in that day's incident.

You were in the amidst of taking out all the things beneath the bed and dusting the mattress off after you had called him that you will wait for him at his place with a spare key that you had.

But as you were making up the bed,your hand felt a hard object beneath his pillow that caught you quite a surprise.And as you pulls it out,what caught your eyes is not what you still expected to see.

It is a frame picture of Rika,smiling genuinely to the camera as if the whole world never gone bad to her-and on the corner of the frame theres a small picture of Yoosung and her right when he have not dyed his hair blonde.

Your whole body froze,unable to express anything;there is a rage feeling going on inisde both your heart and mind. Sure the problem where he couldn't stop comparing you to Rika has stop a couple months back,and where he would never stop saying on how he felt you and her is the same.

Your heart clenched painfully.Has he been hiding her picture for so long now,but since when? You know well that it is fully fine for him to keep her picture but why the hiding?

"I'm home!" Speaking of the devil,as if on cue you heard him shouts and before you could react,Yoosung has reached the bedroom door. His smile widened as soon as his eye laid on you,

"{Y/N}--" he took a step forward but stops abruptly when his eyes shift down to the object in your hands.

His violet orbs widened ever so slightly,before flashes you a hesitant smile,

"A-ah,that,i was beginning to wondering where i put that."

But every words he said just felt like a stab into your heart as he approaches you closer and realizes that he has grown a few inches taller than a years back when you two started dating.

You bite your inner cheeks,making up your mind you will not get that thought of yours get in the way of this relationship.

"Silly you,you'll hurt yourself if you let a glass frame like this on your bed." you smile but your eyes are not. And you know that he knows well you are forcing yourself to.

"Well, i will continue cleaning the living room--would you mind?" You gesture with your hand lightly to motion him doing the cleaning in the bedroom before pushing the frame onto him which he in reflex grab it before it hits his chest.

You quickly scurried over and walk past him by,trying your best to ignore the fact it somehow still pains you to see he still have connection nor mourning over Rika's death. Call is a selfish deed,but you couldn't help it.

You didn't realize the male walking up behind you as you force to engrossed yourself in wrapping a blanket on top of a sofa.

He grew hesitant for a while before mustering the courage to call you, "{Y/N}.."

He saw your body tensed slightly before you went back to pretend cleaning,

"What is it?" You asked,without even bothering to spare him a glance

"...I'm sorry.."

You scoffs,looking at him over your shoulder with a small smile, "What are you apologizing for?"

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