one last dance | zen

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The certain albino male sat by the red bench in contrast with the attire he is wearing today. Ignoring the busyness surrounding him and the several doctor and nurses in their white outfit stood before him,awaiting for him to speak up at least a word.

He lifted his face from underneath his palms,his lips quivered and the glass reflected in his pair of red ruby gaze was seen clearly. After gulping a lump on the back of his throat,he finally acknowledged the doctor and nurses' presence only by a nod and a mutter of gratitude while on the other hand they could only bow in apology before walking away to leave him some time alone.

A moment of silence pass by he then stood up and heading towards one of the certain door he grew to know well after these couple of months also not forgetting to carry a box in his hand to bring it along with him.
There is a battle of raging war inside his head-a fierce one that beats simultaneously with the beating of his heart against his ribcage right now. It took him a few minutes to adjust the white coat that wraps his body before opening the door and enters it with the signature smile of his that you grew to love so much and couldn't go a day without it.


"Ah-Zen!" You beam happily as soon as his figure comes to your sight from the bed you have been sleeping for as long as you could remember.

"And what have my Princess been doing awake and alone this time?" He teased, making his way to you before planting a soft kiss on the box of your head causing you to giggles;

"I could ask you the same question,Sir Knight.It's kind of rare to see you visiting me late here at the evening; Is this real or this is just a Fanta-sea? GET IT GET IT?"

Zen rolls his eyes before ruffling your hair messily. Despite your current condition, that bright side of yours never ceases to fade away,your positive mind never left your head and always manage to stay grinning as if the whole world never gone bad to you.

Seeing your smile like this, he fell for you all over again.

"Aish, don't tell me Seven sneak up behind me to teach you those jokes."

"Hey,i just got a nice sense of humour excuse you." You snorted.

He chuckles; "Here," he places the plastic filled with a box in his hand on your lap covered in blanket, "It's your favourite."

You gasped,glancing back and forth to his face then to the box again, "No way--"

"Yes way." He smirks.

Your hands quickly unwraps them to take a look and just as you thought, it is cinnamon melts from the Mcdonald's.

"Oh glob, I love you so much!" You squealed in happiness before he leans down to wait for you giving him a peck on the lips; and you did.

"Just don't tell the doctor okay?" He brought up his one index finger upon his lips before winking.

"You're so cheesy Zen." You laughed,almost instantly popping one of the cinnamon bun into your mouth.

"But you love my cheesyness."

"Yeah,it's so cheesy i could actually smells it."

"{Y/N}," he groans,

"I'm just kidding you know that!" You laugh again. Ah, that laugh. One of the most beautiful thing he found in you and what makes it more fascinating is that he is the reason behind them.

Zen stare down at you in a loving gaze, a soft smile spread across his lips. But this silence gives his heart another squeeze,

"Please, please tell me she will be okay i--"

𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬Where stories live. Discover now