huggies | rfa [1]

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Part 1

It was a terrible year for the RFA's and for some reason {Y/N} were able to detect their sadness even from just studying each of their aura and faces.It was one of those days where she attended Zen's musical acting by the downtown with Jaehee as her companion, the most looking forward one.

It went magnificent ,as expected of Zen after all with his numerous practices and take his leave from the chatroom just to continue where left off. Save for one part where {Y/N} happens to notice he got unspoken words hung in the air for a mere moment, his face fell before quickly regained them back and continue like nothing happened. Not in {Y/N}'s watch.

"Zen! That was amazing!"

"Hey,if it isn't {Y/N} and Jaehee! Didn't knew you would come." He flash them his signature grin that made every fangirls swoon by it. But she picked up the brooding look behind those mask.The two got the privilege after all to be close with the actor to get a special backstage access.

"Of course we would! We did say it in the chat yesterday after all! Besides, we haven't missed a single of your musical now,have we?"

"That's very true," He laughs, "Thanks a lot Jaehee.If it's okay now, i would like to excuse myself back to the changing room if that's fine with you ladies?"

"Why yes,absolutely! Take your time,Zen. It was an amazing performance."

{Y/N} pursued her lips,turning to Jaehee ,"Hey Jaehee, i'll be back in a minute or two,wait for me outside 'kay?"

The brunette shot her a perplexing look, "What's wrong?"

"...Toilet." She mouthed before she nodded in understanding and waved her off. While {Y/N} took off to where the man just left,following him to the changing room that he meant which makes things easier for her when his name was clearly written on the door.

She knocks, "Zen..?" Whilst opening the door

"{Y/N}..? What're you doing here?" She found him sitting by the make-up desk, now the blue aura seems even stronger.

"Oh i lost my way to the restroom,figured i can ask you since you're here."

"Oh uh-it's down at the end of the hall then you turn right,you can see a red door-" He look at her for a moment before explaining briefly for the direction rather bluntly,not knowing she is pulling his legs

"Pfft,Zen! Do you seriously think that's what i'm here for?"

The white-haired man blinks, "Is that a no..?"

{Y/N} rolled her eyes, "Cut the chase,Hyun, what's wrong?" She approaches him closer,placing an assuring hand on his shoulder


"I saw you back there and even now.You look like you just look into the mirror and somebody draw you with a left hand." [If anyone of you is left-handed don't be offended, it's cool for me,you're special].

Finally in the net, Zen heave out a sigh, "After practices, i still found myself stuttering in my own lines,not to mention i sprained my ankle during the jump from the ship." He slaps his ankle frustratedly.

"You mean the wooden boat?"

"{Y/N}..." He groans which made the female giggles,

"Hey hey,it's alright. Little mistakes are bound to happen in everyday's lives. If it went perfectly well--well, i'm worried about your old life God plans for you.."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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