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Okay so some of ya all shits are completely confuse why i always write a paragraph that some times has 'A pregnant of silence' sentence in it.

Is it that this is the first time you guys heard or read it or what?

Obviously 'A pregnant of silence' means that there was a moment of silence that hovers above their atmosphere and it is quite as wide enough as a mother's belly. Get it? Tch,i don't know how the hell i should explain it to you guys. Just look how Jumin explains things above in the chat in V's route and no it is not edited;i screenshotted it because that means those words exist and i didn't make it up.

Even if his sentence is different from mine but regardless it is the same concept of meaning as a whole.
It can means as a few things but does not tell specifically how many numbers there are.




I'm joking i love you all so much you think i will call you lil shits? NONSENSE HAHA and it's not even april fool hahahhahahahahakillme.

I just thought i would do a little explanations about it; i am really bad at them as you can see Lololol but i still hope you could understand them.

I love you so much! Thank you for the love and support for this book! Adios and stay awesome!♥️

Love ,

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