enchanted | rfa

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*OOS + *OOC ness ALERT!
I might change their house according to my own perception of each RFA members depending on their personalities.

*Long shot

"This is ridiculous." You muttered as you threw in a pixie's leg into the boiling pot in front of you.

"What is it,{Y/N}?" Piped up the brunette female beside you,

"Why should we make the potion when at the end of the day it's useless?"

"It's not useless,{Y/N}. It might come in handy someday,i'm sure of it."

" 'Till someone actually cast a spell on me vomitting slimy frogs every 2 minutes?" You rose an eyebrow at her before she shrugs her shoulders.

"Sometimes i wonder why Professor Kim allows you to be in his N.E.W.T-Oh,hey could you pass me the Acromantulas's hair?"

You did as you were told to-pinching both index finger and thumb to take a hold of the spider's legs to your friend.
The lesson is obviously getting boring and thanking your luck, it is right on cue where the teacher announces that the potion class for today will ended up here.

You gathered your things on the desk quite hastily; "Where're you going {Y/N}?"
Asked the spectacled woman who take things rather slowly yet organized.

"I have to write letters to my uncle and parents-or else they might beheaded me if i ignored 'em this summer." You said briskly;heading towards the exit to the hallways where other students are

"I'll see you at the Great Dining Hall,Jaehee! Oh,and save a seat for me!" You bid goodbye.

Rushing to the (Your Sorted House)'s Common Room only to be greeted with a scary dementor puppet pops right before your face earning a scream and in reflex you grab your wand behind your robe


"Woah woah,wait {Y/N}!" The voice pipes up, making you abruptly stops on your track and to see a red image flash from above you before standing up and a grin is all that he flash to you,

"Why are you in our common room?" You sigh.

"Using that kind of a strong spell-who knows what the teachers could do to you,ya'know?" He ignored your question. Not really surprise why a genius Gryffindor could Alohomora his way in here.

You rolled your eyes; "And the first name i would tell them is that Luciel Choi is pulling another prank on the student."

"...Alright, you got me there." He flailed both arms up in surrender.

"Where're you going?" He asks again,never intend in keeping quiet but then again,it's Luciel we're talking about.

"I have to write to my parents or else i--"

You felt the back of your robe being pulled back resulting to bump against a warmth of an abroad chest before an arm slips itself around your hip as if preventing you from moving so

"Luciel," you groaned,getting used to this;too often.

"What,i just need some hugs! It's huggies day!"

"It's huggies everyday for you,moron. Now let go of me--Luciel!" You cried out when his grip around you tighten and where his fingers resting on your waist starts to tickles you.

"My,i never knew you were ticklish there,{Y/N}."  You could feel him totally smirking even though you are not facing him right now.

Flustered,you pulls away from the male rather harshly and glared;
"S-so what!"

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