unrequited | jumin [2]

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The next morning you walked into the C&R Building with your Father by your side,questioning the eyebags that you have under your eyes although you are pretty sure you have got it covered with make-up.

What the hell happened last night?

What the heck was that?

You couldn't sleep for the whole night just thinking the boggling event,your heart thumps loudly against your chest whenever you think about the kiss.

Was it just an act on a whim? Or...Do you,like him?


"Woah!" You automatically jumped on your spot to see your Father looking down at you in concern,

"You alright? You don't seem too well."

"Uhm--I'm fine,Dad." You gave him an assuring smile when he shot you another suspicious look but give in at the end.

"If that so,go and greet the young Mr.Han now.I still have a meeting with his Father and the HR Management."

Your eyes widened; "W-wait! We're not going to greet him together?"

"Well i'll surely later so for now,deputize yourself for me,understand?" The older man place a kiss on top of your head before leaving with the other assistant to head the opposite way.

Your jaw dropped,only could stare at his back until it finally disappears behind the wall.Feeling dejected and no matter how much you wanted to run away from this building,it would just ruin your family's reputation.
So here you are,standing outside the door of the appointed Office with one assistant that you have acquainted these couple of days as well.

"Jaehee, uhm--would you like to have coffee with me first before all this?"

"I'm sorry Ms.{L/N}, i had my breakfast and Mr.Han would be furious if i would to take a break by my own accord." She pushes up her glasses and you know she means no rude but that is just how busy her job is.

Muttering an 'I See', you clutch the thick documents in your arms,you suck in a deep breath and Jaehee opens the door for you letting you in.

Ahead of you seated the too familiar young man with newspaper in his hands and a cup of steaming coffee on top of his desk.

"Mr.Han, Ms.{L/N} has arrived." Jaehee announced loftily.

His charcoal pair of eyes flickered up meeting yours which instantly you tensed up under his gaze.He then closes the newspaper in his hand down before putting it away and stood up from the chair,

"You can leave now,Assistant Kang." He command,even with that deep voice sends shivers down your spine.

The other female nodded before leaving the room and shutting door behind with a 'Click'.
You gulp when the tension in the air immediately presence around you.

Great,now what?

"{Y/N}," Your name trailed off from him,

You looked back at him just to see him already with stack of folders and papers in his hand after buttoning his black tux to assign it is time to get down to business.
He then approaches you which made your heart beats even more faster in every steps he take towards you.

Here it goes..! You shut your eyes tightly,


"What're you calling my name for?"

You opened your eyes only to see him handing the folders in his hand out to you,raising an eyebrow quizzically.


𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα