shelter | jumin

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I really need to make a Jumin Han book lmao.

Reference from 'Shelter' Animation Music Video by Porter Robinson Ft. Madeon (that make me cry like the pussy i am)


"What's a little kid like you doing here?"

{Y/N} looks up just to see a gentle pair of charcoal eyes staring down at her,both in wonder and curiosity. Her {E/C} blinks slowly not seeming surprise a person would approach her and how her face seems nevertheless energetic one.
The five-years-old girl only gaze at him back in silence from the ground she is hugging her small knees;her dress stained with dirt and her (H/C} knotted.

Judging with her disheveled form,Jumin kneels down in front of her,not caring when the bodyguards that has been trailing off behind him suit looks at him in surprise as well as the passers by that arched their eyebrow considering he found you just by the side of the streets of a firm he owns.

"Are you lost?" He asks again,giving a clearer view of his feature. He had jet black hair locks,he seems in the late 40s but still looking charismatic.

She shook her head,still in silent.

He is quiet now until one of his security piped up behind him;

"Uhh,sir,that girl has been there since two days ago--"

This made him tilt his head to the side just enough to looks at him over his shoulder,motioning him to continue explain,

"She was all alone,sir."

His eyes trails back at her who suddenly flinched under the intense gaze but it softens themselves as soon as he saw. He offers his hand one more time,

"Come with me,"

She hesitated,

"I won't hurt you." A ghostly smile appears on his feature.

And feeling convinced,she accepted him.

He took a hold of her small;cold hands meeting his warm ones before taking her in to his car and drove all the way back to his penthouse.Of course with the small girl admiring every inch of his limousine transportation.

He changed her to a newly clothes he told his assistant to buy instantly right after giving her a nice warm bath; a decent meal that she finally could eat after what feels like eternity rather than eating foods been thrown to the garbage or stealing;dying by the side of the road.

For a small kid like her,she even wonders; Why is he alone in this huge house of his? Why is he so gentle like the Father she had always wanted?

Jumin took her to the amusement park she once beams at the television commercial;allowing her the education that she needs and took responsibility as if he is her parent and turns out it did not let him down-with the result of her exams that comes out in perfect scores with flying colours.
He spoils her;giving her everything she needs nor unnecessarily need.While the other latter too,quickly adjusts herself with her new environment and by trusting Jumin who had saved her life.

"{Y/N},time to go to bed."

"Okay!" She replied hastily as she drops her toys by her hands before he opens his arms and let her tiny feet runs into it.He effortlessly picks her up and went to her bedroom to tuck her in.

Even at times in a business trip that he brought her along with him,she fell asleep in his arms;resting her chubby cheeks on his shoulders that earns a smile from the looks of people in the meeting they attend.

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