lil' game | 707

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Bored at home,you decided to crash by your boyfriend's place but instead,you forgot how messy and disorganised of a person he is-or too busy to do cleaning.

"Oh,{Y/N} you came~" he greet you nonchalantly as soon as you enter in.

"For chip's sake,Saeyoung,how many times have i told you to change that password?" you complaints,taking your shoes off.

"What password?" He blinks in confusion,

"The 'Say in Arabic' thingy by the security systems!" you flail both arms up

"Ah~ that~," he sang; "I can't help it--you should have called out to me 'Defender 707! Oh,defender 707,help me~!" he raised his voice,trying hard to imitate a girls' scream

"In your dreams." You scoffed,poking him on the forehead which he took the opportunity to gather you in his arms,pulling you closer

"Oh,you brought something?" he notices the small plastic bag in your hand,

"Mhm,i bought something on my way here and thought i could stay over the night...?" you bat your eyelashes rapidly in hoping to get your cuteness into him.

Surprisingly it did, "Of course! My darling can stay here anytime she wants!"

Your mouth bubbles out a giggle as he nuzzle his face onto the curve between your neck and shoulder-playfully blowing out on your skin while puffing his cheeks out producing a light vibration from his lips.

When your eyes accidentally darts around the messy living room behind his shoulders,you notices a certain black leather jacket nicely hung by the hook on the wall.

"Huh? Isn't that Saeran's?" you pointed out,making the male stops on whatever he is doing and looks towards where you have pointed

"Ah,yeah.He is dropping by also to help me with my work--Hey,Saeran!" He called out.

And soon then you heard a faint steps from the short distance slowly drawing closer,revealing the white-haired figure approaching you two

"What? I'm not here to watch another of your cheest shits." He snorts,crossing his arms and shows a disinterested expression until he saw you

"Oh,{Y/N}," he nodded in acknowledge your presence,

Your smile widened, "I brought you snacks! Good thing i really bought a lot though!" you grinned,about to fish your fingers inside the plastic bag.

"Wait!" Seven abruptly shouts,almost making you flinched in surprise from your spot

"Christ Seven,don't shout like that out of a blue--" you frowned,

"I have a little game!"

Saeran groans,knowing another weird ideas came across his silly big brother's mind,"What now?"

"Wait here,{Y/N}!" He shot you a wink,which to your perplexes added more when he began to drag the other male by the arm;ignoring his complaints and struggles as he continue to proceed to the other room.

You blink,wrinkle forms in your forehead as you heard Saeran's argument faintly over the other side of the walls but soon began to fade-cue with a little thud here and there.

It took them a few quiet moments when Seven suddenly pops out from the room-of course still with him dragging Saeran. Just too see that Seven as dressed Saeran up similar to his feature;and even clothes!

"Uhh,what happened here?" you asks carefully,clearly Seven's idea is too sudden and is out of nowhere.

"Let's play "Which one is Saeyoung?" game!" One of them announces,which you assume quickly it must be Seven.

𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬Where stories live. Discover now