Chapter 15

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Maya POV

It was November 4th and I was at the 33 week mark in my pregnancy. I can't believe I only have 7 weeks to go before Kinleigh gets here. I got up in the middle of the night to go pee. It seems I'd been doing that a lot lately now that she was getting bigger.  I stood up out of bed and that's when I felt it. Something was dripping down my leg. I almost started panicking but realized for the babies sake I need to stay calm. I turned the bedside table light on and sat back down on the bed. 

"Lucas, wake up." I said as I started to shake him awake. 

"Maya?" What's going on?" he said sleepily as his eyes started to flutter open. 

"We need to go to the hospital. I'm pretty sure my water broke." I said as I tried to hold back the tears. 

"What?" he said as he shot up out of bed. 

"I stood up to go pee and felt something dripping down my leg. I'm pretty sure my water just broke. We need to get going." I replied as I tried to not cry. 

"Lets get going. Do you have any pain?" he asked as he pushed the covers off him.

"Not yet. Maybe the Dr can stop everything like before." I replied

Lucas got up out of bed and get dressed. We made our way to the car and it took us about 15 minutes to get the hospital. By the time we got there my contractions had started. They took me and Lucas to to a room. I changed into a hospital gown and Dr. Ackerman came in soon after. 

"We need to try and get these contractions to stop. I'm going to give you a steroid and see if we can's stop it." she replied. 

"If you weren't able to stop her labor and Kinleigh was in fact born early would she be okay?" Lucas asked and I could tell he was very concerned. 

"Chances are she would be fine since Maya is so far ahead in the pregnancy. When babies are born this early they usually weigh anywhere between 3-5 pounds. The main concern is her lungs and also feeding. Babies born this early can have problems with feeding. We won't know any of this until she is born. If she does come out early she will need to spend sometime in the NICU." Dr. Ackerman replied. "Right now I want to do an ultrasound to see how the baby is doing." 

Lucas nodded "Thank you. Hopefully we can get Maya's labor stopped." 

Dr. Ackerman left the room and Lucas turned to look at me. He grabbed my hand and sat down beside me. 

"Lucas, I'm scared." I replied as a tear ran down my cheek. 

"Me too. Lets hope they can get your labor stopped." he said as he kissed me on the cheek. 

"Could you call my mom for me?" I asked him "And also try to get in touch with Riley and Topanga?" 

"Of course. I'll go make some phone calls right now. I should probably call my mom too." Lucas said as he let go of my hand. 

Lucas left to go make some phone calls and then Dr. Ackerman came about 3 minutes later wtih the ultrasound machine. I was afraid Lucas was going to miss it but he ended up coming back right as Dr. Ackerman started gelling my belly. She gently moved the knob around and stared intently at the screen. I was never more thankful in that moment to hear the sound of my baby girls heart beating. However when I looked at Dr. Ackerman the look on her face was that of pure concern. 

"What's going on?" I asked breaking the silence that filled the room.

"You need to be prepped for a c-section immediately. The umbilical chord is wrapped around Kinleigh's neck. We need to get her out." she said as she put the knob away. 

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